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GGE Photo Album - 1995

Click on the thumbnail image to fetch a sample DEM, 74 KB.
Three members of the first two-day retreat of department faculty, July 1992, at the Algonquin Hotel in St. Andrews, New Brunswick.
Click on the thumbnail image to fetch the full-sized version, 45 KB.
On the occasion of the 30th anniversary of the Department of Surveying Engineering, November 1990.
Click on the thumbnail image to get a better look.
William Brydone Jack 150th anniversary GPS measurements. UNB Perspectives, Vol. 17, No. 3, 9 October 1990, p. 3. Dept. of Public Relations and Information, University of New Brunswick, Fredericton, N.B., Canada. Photo by Joy Cummings-Dickinson.
Click on the thumbnail image to fetch the full-sized version, 43 KB.
A higher resolution version is available, 3.4 MB.
We have come across a photo taken in 1989. It seems to be a group of students who got together at the acreage of Angus Hamilton, to partake of a bit of cross country skiing and cider sipping.
Click on the thumbnail image to fetch the full-sized version, 23 KB.
The Old Math Building housed some of the department's graduate students and faculty for a couple of decades. In August 1987, it was torn down to make way for Gillin Hall, the most recent extension to the engineering building. The day before its demise, some Math Building alumni/ae celebrated its history with a little champagne.
Click on the thumbnail image to fetch the full-sized version, 18 KB. If you know who took the photo, please let us know.
Photo taken on the occasion of the Colloquium on Surveying and Mapping Education which was held at UNB on 12-14 June 1985.
Click on the thumbnail image to get a better look at some of the participants, 46 KB.
Aren't these just the bee's knees? Guess who, when, and what. As a hint, the fellow driving the truck is Spiros Pagiatakis and he graduated with a Ph.D. in 1988. Does anyone know the record keeper? Click here for a better look.
Give up? Click on the thumbnail image for some of the answers, 34 KB.

Click on the thumbnail image to get a better look, 79 KB. Click here to read the article that appeared in the local press, 277 KB.

If you can provide any information, please contact us.
Click on the thumbnail image to get a better look, 63 KB.
Whilst digging through a storage area slated for remodelling, two pictures of former advisory committees surfaced.
Click on the thumbnail image to have a look, 48 KB.
Discovered in the midst of a scattering of photos, this picture provides a number of memories. It was taken in March 1981 during the hydrographic survey camp held in St. Andrews, New Brunswick. The crowd is standing in front of Anderson House on the campus of the Huntsman Marine Science Centre.
Click on the thumbnail image to fetch the full-sized version, 83 KB.
Era: 1974/1975. Place: Department conference room. Item: Cheque representing scholarship funds. Recipient? Donor? Presenter? Click here for a better look.
Give up? Click on the thumbnail image for the answers, 14 KB.
Do you recognize these people?
The year is 1971; the location is the original satellite observatory in the former Department of Surveying Engineering.
Give up? Click on the thumbnail image for the answer, 32 KB.
Guess who and when. The best guess concerning this photograph has been supplied by Debbie (Balcom) Jordan (one of the department's former photogrammetric technicians). She is pretty sure that this is J. Mitra (who eventually graduated with a degree in computer science) sitting in front of the department's AP2C plotter in the photogrammetry lab located in Head Hall E-14, either in 1968 or 1969. To the left is the teletype machine for punching paper tapes to feed into the AP2C computer. The plotting table is to the right. Debbie also thought that J. Mitra was the Royal Bank employee who implemented the first banking machines for that bank. Can anyone improve on this?
Click on the thumbnail image to get a better look at the mystery person, 19 KB.