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GGE Photo Album - 2006
Department Christmas party. (Photo: Tracey Hawco Winchester, 2006-December-22)
Click on the thumbnail image to get a better look, 24 KB.
Daniel Brasil from Agência Brasileira de Cooperaçâo (ABC) was a guest of the Department on 20 December. ABC is in partnership with CIDA (Canadian International Development Agency) and UNB in the National Geospatial Framework Project. Daniel was finishing his tour of Canada where he visited Canadian institutions managing CIDA projects in Brazil.
Click on the thumbnail image to get a better look, 36 KB.
On December 18, Dr. James Secord took a few minutes to present some departing students with lapel pins of the department crest. The students have completed the requirements for the degree and are off to enjoy the holidays with family and friends before starting their careers.
Click on the thumbnail image to get a better look, 30 KB.
Sam Ng'ang'a and David Mayunga received their doctorates at UNB's 52nd Convocation on 19 October. Congratulations Dr. Ng'ang'a and Dr. Mayunga.
Click on the thumbnail image to get a better look, 35 KB.
The Department turned out on 26 September to say farewell to Teresa Tang. Teresa has completed the requirements for her Master of Science in Engineering under the co-supervision of the late Dr. YC Lee and Dr. Dave Coleman. Her thesis is titled "Design and Implementation of a GIS-enabled Online Discussion Forum for Participatory Planning." (Photo: Terry Arsenault, 2006-September-26)
Click on the thumbnail image to get a better look, 28 KB.
Geodesists enjoy a bit of the sunshine at the shores of The Bosphorus between sessions of the 1st International Symposium of the International Gravity Field Service "Gravity Field of the Earth". This meeting took place in Istanbul, Turkey, from 28 August to 1 September.
Click on the thumbnail image to look at photos taken during the symposium, 78 KB.

Click on the thumbnail image to get a better look, 36 KB.
On 25 July, the Department said farewell to Mustafa Berber. Mustafa completed the requirements for his Ph.D. and is off to teach at the Ryerson University Department of Civil Engineering. We wish you all the best Mustafa.
Click on the thumbnail image to get a better look, 39 KB.
On 19 July, Marcelo Santos and the Department welcomed back Sue Nichols from her year long sabbatical. While Dr. Nichols was on sabbatical, Dr. Santos was Director of Graduate Studies. There was a coffee party where Dr. Santos eagerly handed over the title and a gift for Dr. Nichols; a purple dog collar with a tag that read DoGS. (Photo: Terry Arsenault, 2006-July-19)
Click on the thumbnail image to get a better look, 33 KB.
On 8 June, Yun Zhang hosted visitors from the Wuhan Geotechnical Engineering and Surveying Institute, Wuhan, Hubei Province, China: Dr. Minghai Luo, Professor-grade Senior Engineer, Vice General Engineer, and Mr. Jianping Xiao, Director Engineer.
The purpose of their visit to GGE was to exchange information on graduate research in the areas of GIS and remote sensing. A half-day seminar was held with six presentations delivered by the visitors, Dr. Zhang and GGE graduate students.
Click on the thumbnail image to get a better look, 39 KB.
On 8 June, Marcelo Santos hosted a visitor, Dr. Susan Skone, from the Department of Geomatics Engineering, University of Calgary. While here, Dr. Skone delivered a presentation titled "Advances in GNSS-based Atmospheric Research." Dr. Skone is head of the International Association of Geodesy Sub-Commission 4.3 GNSS Measurement of the Atmosphere. She is also leader of the GEOIDE NCE project National System for Water Vapour Estimation.
Click on the thumbnail image to get a better look, 34 KB.
The Department turned out on Friday 2 June to say farewell to David Selassie Mayunga of Tanzania following a successful defense of his dissertation. David is a Ph.D. student who has been co-supervised by Dave Coleman and Yun Zhang. His dissertation was entitled "Semi-Automatic Building Extraction in Informal Settlements from High-Resolution Satellite Imagery." (Photo: Terry Arsenault, 2006-June-2)
Click on the thumbnail image to get a better look, 28 KB.
The 8th GEOIDE Scientific Conference took place in Banff, Alberta, on 31 May - 1 June 2006. GGE participates in two projects within GEOIDE: "Next Generation Algorithms for Navigation, Geodesy, and Earth Sciences Under Modernized GNSS" and "Mapping of the Ocean Surface Using Geodetic and Oceanographic Tools".
At this year's GEOIDE Conference, each project was highlighted by a presentation from a graduate student. GGE graduate student Liliana Sükeova (in photo) presented a paper on the project "Next Generation Algorithms for Navigation Geodesy and Earth Sciences Under Modernized GNSS" highlighting her work with the modernized L2C signal. (Photo: Marcelo Santos, 2006-June-1)
Click on the thumbnail image to get a better look, 26 KB.
Prof. Moisés Costa, of the Federal University of Viçosa, Brazil, spent one month in the Department working along with Dr. Marcelo Santos, Felipe Nievinski and Rodrigo Leandro as an activity within the CIDA-sponsored National Geospatial Framework Project. The work dealt with the modelling of network distortions using collocation.
Click on the thumbnail image to get a better look, 25 KB.
On April 28, Marcelo Santos visited some undergraduate students that he co-supervised with Prof. João Chaves at the São Paulo State University (UNESP).
Click on the thumbnail image to get a better look, 52 KB.
Prof. Frantisek Vejrazka, Vice-Rector of the Czech Technical University (CTU) and former head of the Dept. of Radio Engineering (left) and CTU's Prof. Pavel Kovar visited the department on 20-21 April 2006 to re-establish cooperation in the field of global navigation satellite systems. They are shown here receiving mementos from Prof. Richard Langley. (Photo: Terry Arsenault, 2006-April-21)
Click on the thumbnail image to get a better look, 35 KB.
Dr. Marcelo Santos hosted meetings on the National Geospatial Framework Project on 6-7 April.
Click on the thumbnail image to get a better look, 37 KB.
Prof. Richard Langley receives a gift from Dr. Yueqiang Sun, Center for Space Science and Applied Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, on the occasion of her visit to the department. (Photo: Terry Arsenault, 2006-March-23)
Click on the thumbnail image to get a better look, 79 KB.
In March, Sue Nichols taught a one week module on land policy, administration, and information management at the International Center for Land Policy Studies and Training in Taoyuan, Taiwan. This is part of an annual 6 week program on Land Policy for Sustainable Development for participants from approximately 25 countries. Dr. Nichols has been teaching part of the program for 5 years and is pictured here with the 2006 participants in front of the Taiwan Museum for Agrarian Reform.
Click on the thumbnail image to get a better look, 38 KB.
Congratulations to Garret Duffy who has successfully defended his Ph.D. thesis entitled "Bedform Migration and Associated Sand Transport on a Banner Bank: Application of Repetitive Mulitbeam Surveying and Tidal Current Measurement to the Estimation of Sediment Transport." Garret has been with the Ocean Mapping Group since 2001 under the supervision of Dr. John Hughes Clarke.
Click on the thumbnail image to get a better look, 30 KB.
On Thursday, 16 February, the Department bid farewell to Mr. Kyoungho Sohn. Mr. Sohn, a Ph.D. graduate student from the GNSS Lab in the School of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering at Seoul National University in South Korea, spent two months at UNB collaborating with Prof. Langley and his team on ionospheric studies using GPS.
Click on the thumbnail image to get a better look, 45 KB.
On 15 February, the Department turned out to say farewell to George Dias. George has recently completed the requirements for his M.Sc.E. under the supervision of Dr. David Coleman. His thesis title is "Extending ECDIS Content: A Process for Producing Ice Information MIOs Based on S-57 Ice Objects."
Click on the thumbnail image to get a better look, 31 KB.
On Friday, 10 February, the UNB Faculty of Engineering and the Engineering Undergraduate Society hosted Shadow Day for local area high school students. It is an opportunity for grade 11 and 12 students who are considering science and technology as a profession to learn more about a career in engineering. Thank you to GGE volunteers Erin Grass, Landon Urquhart, Chris Fox, Olga Telecka, George Wilcox, Genna Baker and Harsil Jani.
Click on the thumbnail image to get a better look at some of the students interested in Geomatics, 45 KB.
The Department said farewell to Professor João Carlos Chaves from São Paulo State University (UNESP) on 7 February. Professor Chaves spent his sabbatical with us from August 2005 to February 2006. He worked on the integration of the Brazilian Geodetic System into SIRGAS2000. This work was done under the National Geospatial Framework Project. His visit took place under the agreement between UNESP and UNB with his trip funded by the Brazilian Research Council (CNPq).
Click on the thumbnail image to get a better look, 33 KB.
On Friday, 20 January, the Department said farewell to M.Sc.E. student Meredith Hutchison. We first met Meredith in the fall of 2001 when she came as an exchange student for one year from the University of Melbourne in Melbourne, Australia. In January 2004, she came back as a graduate student under the supervision of Dr. Sue Nichols.
Click on the thumbnail image to get a better look, 36 KB.