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GGE Photo Album - 2002

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Official Department farewell to Dave Carney, Executive in Residence for the past year, took place 20 September 2002.
Click on the thumbnail image to look at photos taken during the gathering, 97 KB.
Enrique Silva completes his M.Sc.E.
Click on the thumbnail image to fetch the full-sized version, 37 KB.
GGE's Graduate Student Society hosts a monthly lunch get-together where graduate students, faculty, and staff can eat, drink, socialize, and talk shop. Pictured are some of the people who attented the first lunch of the 2002-3 academic year. (Photo: Terry Arsenault, 2002·September·13)
Click on the thumbnail image to fetch the full-sized version, 36 KB.
Mele Rakai (on the left of the photo), an aboriginal Ph.D. student from Fiji, joined the University of Calgary as an Assistant Professor in cadastral studies in January 2002. Mele was back for a visit in August as part of her Ph.D. research with the Confederacy of Mainland Mi'kmaq (CMM) in Nova Scotia. Pictured with Mele is Tricia Bernard, Land Specialist with the CMM, in front of the Mi'kmaq archives compiled by the CMM. (Photo: S. Nichols, 2002·September·8)
Click on the thumbnail image to fetch the full-sized version, 29 KB.
Photo of some of the GGE extended family taken on the occasion of the farewell BBQ for the Carneys at the Colemans' on 2 September 2002.
Click on the thumbnail image to fetch the full-sized version, 157 KB.
Greg Mulholland was the toast of the Land and Coastal Studies Group on 30 August 2002 at guess where - yes, the Lunar Rogue. Greg departed for the sunny south, i.e., Montana, to start a Ph.D. program in forestry and environment.
Click on the thumbnail image to look at photos taken during the get-together, 59 KB.
A flurry of farewells. With another academic year approaching, we said good-bye to a number of visitors.
Moises Costa, a visiting researcher from the Federal University of Paraná in Brazil, spent April to August in the Department doing research with Marcelo Santos. (Photo: Terry Arsenault, 2002·August·30)
Click on the thumbnail image to fetch the full-sized version, 32 KB.
A mug and pen went to Colin Casey at the end of his summer employment with Richard Langley, Marcelo Santos, and Peter Dare. (Photo: Terry Arsenault, 2002·August·30)
Click on the thumbnail image to fetch the full-sized version, 31 KB.
Stefan Dürauer is presented with his department-crested coffee mug and pen, by Richard Langley, at the end of his 12 month visit. (Photo: Terry Arsenault, 2002·August·29)
Click on the thumbnail image to fetch the full-sized version, 36 KB.
Eva Moser, who spent 2 months in our Department, also receives her farewell memento of her visit from Petr Vaníček. (Photo: Terry Arsenault, 2002·August·29)
Click on the thumbnail image to fetch the full-sized version, 33 KB.
Dr. Marcelo Santos and Karen Cove recently had the opportunity to participate in a "Real-time Kinematic GPS Navigation for Hydrographic Surveys and Seamless Vertical Datums Workshop" held in August at the University of Southern Mississippi. The workshop was attended by representatives of several branches of the U.S. Navy, the U.S. government, industry, and academia. As the workshop was hosted by UNB's own Dave Wells and Sunil Bisnath, a good deal of productive work was done along side plenty of good food and good times. Pictured are the participants in a session with Ben Remondi at the University of Southern Mississippi following the workshop.
Click on the thumbnail image to fetch the full-sized version, 72 KB.
Dr. Ying Ke (on the right), from the United States Department of Agriculture, was in the Department on 16 August 2002 visiting Dr. Yun Zhang (on the left). (Photo: Ms. Lily Pan, 2002·August·16)
Click on the thumbnail image to fetch the full-sized version, 34 KB.
Prof. Dr. Axel Preusse and Dr. Ing. Ralf Schulte brought 6 students from the Department of Mine Surveying, University of Aachen, Germany, for a 2-day course on current mining surveying methods presented by Adam Chrzanowski and his graduate students. (Photo: Terry Arsenault, 2002·July·17)
Click on the thumbnail image to fetch the full-sized version, 37 KB.
Dr. Sue Nichols attended a Science and Local Knowledge conference at the Université de Moncton between 19-21 June 2002 accompanied by a number of her graduate students and Mathieu Bourgeois (pictured with Sue), a GGE undergraduate student who is working for Sue over the summer.
Click on the thumbnail image to fetch the full-sized version, 40 KB. (Photo: Fisheries and Oceans Canada, 2002-06-19)
Members of the Department, both past and present, attended Canadian Hydrographic Conference 2002.
Click on the thumbnail image to fetch the full-sized version, 22 KB.
Lieutenant Flavia Mandarino from the Brazilian Navy Hydrographic Center with Prof. Marcelo Santos during her visit to UNB in May 2002. (Photo: Terry Arsenault, 2002·May·28)
Click on the thumbnail image to fetch the full-sized version, 35 KB.
On 28 March 2002, the Department held a going-away ceremony for Mariangel Fedrizzi (Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais, Brazil) who had been a visiting student in the Department during the past year.
Click on the thumbnail image to fetch the full-sized version, 37 KB.
UNB GGE GPS Team on the occasion of the departure of Etienne Orliac, a visiting student from Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL), Switzerland.
Click on the thumbnail image to fetch the full-sized version, 24 KB.