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GGE Photo Album - 1998

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Arranged by Linda O'Brien, a group of middle, junior, and high school students spent 4 November 1998 shadowing various employees in the faculties of engineering and computer science. (Photo: Wendy Wells, 4 November 1998)
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Dr. J.F. Galera Monico from Paulista State University in Brazil with Prof. Richard Langley during Dr. Monico's visit to UNB in November 1998. (Photo: Wendy Wells, 4 November 1998)
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New publisher of the Daily Gleaner visits GGE's Ocean Mapping Visualization Lab. Left to right: David Coleman, Department Chair; Larry Mayer, Ocean Mapping Chair; Louise Bolden, Acting Director of UNB Development and Public Relations; Victor Mlodecki, Publisher of the Daily Gleaner, and his wife, Ruth Mlodecki. (Photo: Wendy Wells, 29 October 1998)
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As in previous years, the department faculty 'retreated' into the 'rustic' landscape of rural New Brunswick to discuss the future of the department. For the last weekend of October, they chose Pond's Resort as their destination.
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Prof. Petr Vaníček and Wilbert Brink, a student from the Technical University of Delft in The Netherlands who spent the summer at UNB working with Prof. Vaníček and his geoid group, on the occasion of a "Timbit party" to bid farewell to Wilbert on his last day at UNB. (Photo: Richard Langley, 28 August 1998)
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A delegation from the Guangzhou Marine Geological Survey of the Ministry of Land and Resources, Guangzhou, People's Republic of China, visited the department on 10-11 August 1998. Left to right: Mr. Guan Yongxian, Prof. Wang Guangyu, Mr. Hou Tianhang of the UNB Ocean Mapping Group, and Dr. Wu Nengyou. (Photo: Richard Langley, 11 August 1998)
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Our illustrious chairman, Dave Coleman, is a man of many talents not the least of which is drumming. He is shown here, second from the left in the foreground, with Fredericton's St. Andrews Pipe Band at the New Brunswick 1998 Highland Games and Scottish Festival held on the grounds of the newly restored Old Government House, the Lieutenant-Governor's new residence. (Photo: Wendy Wells, 26 July 1998)
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This picture was taken on the occasion of the visit to the department of Mr. Wen-Sheng Li, Information Section, Dept. of Land Administration, Ministry of the Interior, Taipei, Taiwan, Republic of China. Mr. Li was on an information gathering trip to investigate land information and land administration practices in North America. Flanking Mr. Li are Profs. David Coleman and Sue Nichols. (Photo: Wendy Wells, 3 June 1998)
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Dr. James Secord, Department of Geodesy and Geomatics Engineering Director of Undergraduate Studies, on the occasion of UNB's 169th Encaenia. (Photo: Noreen Bonnell, 21 May 1998)
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Rosa Tatasciore from Ottawa, Ontario, and Dave Raymond from Nova Scotia received their M.Eng. degrees at UNB's 169th Encaenia. Joining them in celebration is Prof. Sue Nichols (centre). (Photo: Sue Nichols, 21 May 1998)
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Left Face! Prof. Langley's troops on the occasion of Yves Albrecht's last day in the department at the end of his visit to carry out research on GPS multipath for his diploma thesis (University of Karlsruhe) and about a month before the end of Dennis Gerrits's visit to carry out research on spaceborne-GPS occultation predictions for his diploma internship work (Technical University of Delft). Left to right: Dennis Gerrits (The Netherlands), Paul Collins (England), Sunil Bisnath (Canada), and Yves Albrecht (Germany). (Photo: Richard Langley, 19 February 1998)
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A wee going-away "Tim Bit" party was held on 6 February 1998 to say farewell to John Hanley (Scotland) who had recently completed his M.Sc.E. degree work. Left to right: Dr. David Wells, John Hanley, Dr. Michael Collins. (Photo: Richard Langley)
Click on the thumbnail image to fetch the full-sized version, 28 KB.