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GGE Photo Album - 1999

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During GPS99, the International Symposium on GPS: Application to Earth Sciences and Interactions with Other Space Geodetic Techniques, held in Tsukuba, Japan, 18-22 October 1999, several scientifc tours were arranged by the local organizing committee. Shown in this photograph are members of Scientific Tour ST2, who visited several research institutions in Tsukuba, standing in front of the entrance of the Geological Museum of the Geological Survey of Japan. (Photo: photographer unidentified, 20 October 1999)
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In September 1999, the department retired its Wild A-10 and Kern PG2 stereo-plotters. They were acquired by Senior Gerardo Martinez Uriarte of Topografía y Mapas, S.A., Mexico City. (Photo: Richard B. Langley, 9 September 1999)
Click on the thumbnail image to fetch the full-sized version, 15 KB.
Prof. Dave Wells inaugurated the department's David E. Wells Multimedia Room with its first use on 9 September 1999. Prof. Wells played the key role in planning, construction, and equipping the room. (Photo: Richard B. Langley, 9 September 1999)
Click on the thumbnail image to fetch the full-sized version, 16 KB.
A close-up of Dave Wells on the occasion of the David E. Wells Multimedia Room inaugural lecture. (Photo: Richard B. Langley, 9 September 1999)
Click on the thumbnail image to fetch the full-sized version, 12 KB.
A recent pose by John McLaughlin, Vice-President (Research and International Co-operation) while visiting his old haunt, our department. (Photo: Joy Cummings, 1 September 1999)
Click on the thumbnail image to fetch the full-sized version, 33 KB.
On 6 July 1999, the department was visited by Prof. Dr.-Ing. Franz Josef Lohmar. Prof. Lohmar is from the Faculty of Surveying and Geoinformatics at the Fachhochschule Bochum in Bochum, Germany. He is shown here with Profs. Coleman (left) and Adam Chrzanowski. (Photo: Richard B. Langley, 6 July 1999)
Click on the thumbnail image to fetch the full-sized version, 19 KB.
On 29 June 1999 Dave Wells turned 60. But don't tell anyone!!! (Photo: Richard B. Langley, 29 June 1999)
Click on the thumbnail image to fetch the full-sized version, 35 KB.
On 29 June 1999 the Department congratulated Michael Sutherland on his recent marriage to Dawn. (Photo: Richard B. Langley, 29 June 1999)
Click on the thumbnail image to fetch the full-sized version, 31 KB.
This picture appeared recently in The Daily Gleaner. Without reading the rest of the story, can you guess who these two happy people are?
Click on the thumbnail image to fetch the full-sized version and the rest of the story, 40 KB.
To celebrate their official retirements, Profs. David Wells and Adam Chranowski were presented with engraved plates by the GGE Graduate Student Society on 21 May 1999. Due to an emergency dental appointment, Dave couldn't make the presentation but his wife, Solveig, came to the rescue and accepted the plate on his behalf. (Photo: Richard B. Langley, 21 May 1999)
Click on the thumbnail image to fetch the full-sized version, 23 KB.
Visitors from the Civil Engineering Department, Université de Moncton. Adam and Anna Chrzanowski hosted a group of civil engineering students on 29 January 1999. The students toured the Engineering and Mining Surveys Lab. (Photo: W. Wells, 29 January 1999)
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Visitors from the People's Republic of China. On 28 January 1999, Larry Mayer hosted a delegation from China to a demonstration of the Ocean Mapping Group's data visualization technology. (Photo: W. Wells, 28 January 1999)
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David Coleman, president of the Fredericton Society of Saint Andrews, stands next to the gravesite of John Simpson, the first mayor of Fredericton and one of the Society's founders. (Photo: Noel Chenier/Telegraph Journal, April 1999)
Click on the thumbnail image to fetch the full-sized version, 18 KB.