Left to right: Tara Wells (not a student but an observer); David Wells (father of Tara and currently professor of hydrographic surveying in our Department); Peter Dunham (B.Sc.E. 1982, last seen in Halifax, N.S.); Tuan Baharom Mahmood (M.Eng. 1987, living in Malaysia, but recently completed a term as visiting professor of hydrographic surveying in our department); Nick Christou (behind Baharom, Ph.D. 1990; doing GIS business in Athens, Greece); David L. Hosking (B.Sc.E. 1983; living in Bridgewater, Virginia with his wife, two children, and two retrievers); Robert W. Gray (B.Sc.E. 1981; located somewhere in our North Country - Yukon? NWT?); Sue Nichols (Ph.D. 1992, professor of geographical engineering in our Department); David R. Thomson (B.Sc.E. 1981); Dennis W. Kingston (B.Sc.E. 1982, currently teaching at the College of Geographical Sciences in Lawrencetown, N.S.). (Stelios Mertikas photo)