Down Memory Lane
1987 - Farewell to Old Math Building
1981 - Hydrographic Surveying Camp
1971 - NNSS for Geodetic Control
1987 - Farewell to Old Math Building

Click on the thumbnail image to fetch the full-sized version, 18 KB. If you know who took the photo, please let us know.
1981 - Hydrographic Surveying Camp

If anyone has further information about our former students, please contact us and we'll put it on the web.
Click on the thumbnail image to fetch the full-sized version, 83 KB.
1976 - The Class of

A rigorous spring cleaning of Dave Coleman's photo album brought to light these two photos. They are members of the 1976 Surveying Engineering graduating class. Recognize anyone?
Click on either photo to attach names to the faces, 59 KB.
1971 - NNSS for Geodetic Control

Do you recognize these people? The year is 1971; the location is the original satellite observatory in the former Department of Surveying Engineering.
Give up? Click on the photo for the answer.