Alumni/ae Updates
Abidin, Hassanuddin Zainal (M.Sc.E. 1989; Ph.D. 1993)
Adekoya, Olayinka (B.Sc.E. 1969; M.Sc.E. 1973)
Agi, Benson (Ph.D. 1996)
Bachri, Samsul (M.Eng. 1990)
Backes, Frank (Certificate of Academic Proficiency in Hydrographic Surveying 1999)
Barker, Tim (M.Sc.E. 1991)
Bartlett, Jason (B.Sc.E. 2003)
Bastarache, Maurice (B.Sc.E. 1986)
Bastin, Geoff (B.Sc.E. 1995; M.Sc.E. 2001)
Beattie, Clark (B.Sc.E. 1969)
Beaudoin, Jonathan (B.Sc.E. 2002; B.C.S. 2002)
Benteau, Dave (B.Sc.E. 1995)
Beran, Tomas (Ph.D. 2008)
Berber, Mustafa (Ph.D. 2006)
Bisnath, Sunil (Ph.D. 2004)
Blake, Bertram (B.Sc.E. 2001)
Blakely, Jody (B.Sc.E. 1997)
Bond, Jason (B.Sc.E. 2002; M.Sc.E. 2004; Ph.D. 2008)
Boutilier, Melony (B.Sc.E. 1995)
Brooks, Rupert (B.Sc.E. 1996)
Brown, Kevin (B.Sc.E. 1986)
Bruce, Bob (B.Sc.E. 1980)
Brucker, Steve (B.Sc.E. 2006)
Burridge, Brian (B.Sc.E. 2004)
Byrne, Pat (B.Sc.E. 1995)
Caines, Kevin (B.Sc.E. 1984)
Carlin, Cyril (B.Sc.E. 1962; M.Sc.E. 1970)
Carney, Dave (M.Sc.E. 1978)
Ceretti, Logan (B.Sc.E. 2005)
Cestnick, John (B.Sc.E. 1995)
Chen, Xin (M.Sc.E. 1998)
(Cheverie) Burridge, Jill (B.Sc.E. 2004)
Chong, Julian (B.Sc.E. 1985)
Church, Ian (B.Sc.E. 2006)
Clarke, Jamie (M.Eng. 1999)
Coldrick, John (B.Sc.E. 1995)
Collins, Corey (B.Sc.E. 2005)
Collins, Paul (M.Sc.E. 1999)
Comeau, Réal (B.Sc.E. 1994)
Connors, Bernie (B.Sc.E. 1995)
(Corcoran) Watson, Wendy (B.Sc.E. 1986)
Cormier, Jacinthe (B.Sc.E. 1993)
Coté, Norm (B.Sc.E. 1981)
Cove, Karen (B.Sc.E. 2002; M.Sc.E. 2005)
(Cowan) Allan, Lynne (M.Sc.E. 1995)
(Cox) Denton, Bronwyn (B.Sc.E. 2004)
Curtis, Tony (B.Sc.E. 1997)
DeKrom, Peter (B.Sc.E. 1990; M.Sc.E. 1994)
DeLoach, Steve (M.Eng. 1995)
Derenyi, Eugene F. (B.Sc.E. 1991)
Detchev, Ivan (B.Sc.E. 2007)
Dijkstra, Semme (Ph.D. 2000)
Dobbin, Jim (M.Sc.E. 1999)
Dodd, Dave (B.Sc.E. 1988; M.Sc.E. 1994)
Dorland, James (B.Sc.E. 2008)
Doucette, Mark (B.Sc.E. 1976)
Du, Ziquin (Ph.D. 1995)
Duguid, Peter (M.Sc.E. 1990)
Dumas, Luc (M.Eng. 1996)
Duraiswamy, Rajavel (M.Eng. 2007)
Edwards, LeMont (B.Sc.E. 2005)
Ellegood, Paul (B.Sc.E. 1966)
Ells, John (B.Sc.E. 1994)
Emode, Richard (B.Sc.E. 1984)
Ezigbalike, Dozie (Ph.D. 1988)
Faig, Wolfgang (M.Sc.E. 1965)
Fellows, Mike (B.Sc.E. 1993)
Finley, Dave (M.Eng. 1997)
Flanagan, Shane (B.Sc.E. 1990)
Follett, Chris (B.Sc.E. 1998)
Foran, Chris (B.Sc.E. 1995)
Ford, Ivan (B.Sc.E. 1981; M.Sc.E. 1990)
Foster, Burns (B.Sc.E. 2008)
Fox, Chris (B.Sc.E. 2008)
Galdins, John (B.Sc.E. 1964)
Garmulewicz, Jan (B.Sc.E. 1985; M.Sc.E. 1989)
Gauthier, Richard (B.Sc.E. 1989)
Gerard, Daniel (B.Sc.E. 1994)
Ghafan, Ali (M.Eng. 2002)
Godin, André (M.Eng. 1997)
Goss, Glenn (B.Sc.E. 1983)
Greene, Troy (B.Sc.E. 1999)
Guest, Mark (B.Sc.E. 2008)
Hamilton, Travis (B.Sc.E. 2010)
Harding, Timothy (B.Sc.E. 1982)
Hartley, Stephen (B.Sc.E. 1981)
Hasson, John (B.Sc.E. 1982)
Holmlund, Erik (M.Eng. 2001)
Hughes, John (B.Sc.E. 1977)
Janes, Hal (B.Sc.E. 1977; M.Sc.E. 1986)
Jeyaverasingam, Suresh (B.Sc.E. 2008)
Jimmo, Beth (B.Sc.E. 1994)
Karman, Dedy Rumhadi (M.Eng. 1990)
Kharaghani, Ali (B.Sc.E. 1983)
Kok, Y.C. (B.Sc.E. 2001)
Komjathy, Attila (Ph.D. 1997)
Koohzare, Azadeh (Ph.D. 2007)
Kooner, Gurpreet (B.Sc.E. 2007)
Laidlaw, Andrew (B.Sc.E. 1996)
Langill, Heather (B.Sc.E. 2000)
Larsen, Carl (B.Sc.E. 1991)
Lever, Dave (B.Sc.E. 1964)
Lewis, Lovett (B.Sc.E. 1991)
Longley, Kenneth (B.Sc.E. 1991)
Lutes, Jamie (B.Sc.E. 1996)
MacCullam, Lesley (B.Sc.E. 1999)
MacDonald, Mark (B.Sc.E. 1994)
Macinnis, James (B.Sc.E. 1993)
MacRory, Julia (B.Sc.E. 1998)
Martin, Beth-Anne (B.Sc.E. 2005)
Maxwell, Travis (M.Sc.E. 2005)
Mayr, Walter (Dipl.(LIM) 1986)
McCall, Stewart (M.Eng. 1994)
McCluskey, Paul (B.Sc.E. 1991)
(McElhinney) Gertridge, Donna (B.Sc.E. 1992)
McFarlane, Shawn (B.Sc.E. 2002)
McLaren, Robin (M.Sc.E. 1978)
McLellan, Jim (B.Sc.E. 1978)
Mendes, Virgilio (Ph.D. 1998)
Mertikas, Stelios (M.Sc.E. 1983; Ph.D. 1987)
Millar, David (B.Sc.E. 1991)
Milliken, Sandy (M.Sc.E. 1979)
Mofford, Lori (B.Sc.E. 2001)
Monahan, Dave (M.Sc.E. 2002)
Moore, Cory (B.Sc.E. 1995)
Mtalo, Gerard (Ph.D. 1996)
Muir, Andrew (M.Eng. 2004)
Mulaku, Canny (Ph.D. 1995)
Nanton, Hayden (M.Eng. 1993)
Nesbø, Inge (M.Sc.E. 1978)
Newton, Laurie (M.Eng. 1986)
Ng'ang'a, Sam Macharia (Ph.D. 2006)
Ngolayefa, Ngozi (B.Sc.E. 1974)
Nguyen, Huong (B.Sc.E. 2000)
Nickerson, Graham (M.Sc.E. 2002)
Norton, Julie (B.Sc.E. 1998)
Ogilvie, Mary (B.Sc.E. 1972)
Owolabi, Karim (Ph.D. 1989)
Pagiatakis, Spiros (M.Sc.E. 1983; Ph.D. 1988)
Palmer, Dave (M.Sc.E. 1984)
Pegler, Kevin (M.Eng. 1999; Ph.D. 2004)
Pelton, Lorne (B.Sc.E. 1962)
Penton, Cyril (B.Sc.E. 1974)
(Pike) Hanrahan, Constance (B.Sc.E. 1993)
Pilgrim, Greg (B.Sc.E. 1994)
Pinch, Mike (B.Sc.E. 1966)
Porter, Caleb (B.Sc.E. 2000)
Rakai, Mele (Ph.D. 2005)
Ramsaran, Leanne (James) (B.Sc.E. 1994)
Ramsaran, Ronald (B.Sc.E. 1995)
Rankin, Trevor (B.Sc.E. 1998)
Rathnasooriya, Sarath (M.Eng. 1994)
Reshke, Regan (Graduate Diploma in Mapping, Charting, and Geodesy 1991)
Richardson, Brett (B.Sc.E. 2008)
Ross, Sandy (B.Sc.E. 1998)
Santerre, Rock (Ph.D. 1989)
Saylam, Kutalmis (M.Eng. 2000)
Scovill, Ed (M.Eng. 1974)
Silliker, Jason (B.Sc.E. 2000)
Silva, Enrique (M.Sc.E. 2002)
Smith, Ed (B.Sc.E. 1963)
Smith, Purdy (B.Sc.E. 1992)
Sonier, Katherine (B.Sc.E. 2014)
Steeves, Timothy (B.Sc.E. 1993)
Steudler, Daniel (M.Sc.E. 1991)
Stewart, Peter (M.Sc.E. 1997)
Streicker, John (M.Sc.E. 1990)
Stuifbergen, Nicholas (B.Sc.E. 1981)
Sujanani, Ashoki (B.Sc.E. 1978)
Sutherland, Michael (M.Sc.E. 1995; Ph.D. 2005)
Tatasciore, Rosa (M.Eng. 1998)
Taylor, Dave (B.Sc.E. 2001)
Thapa, Khagendra (M.Sc.E. 1980)
Thistle, Jason (B.Sc.E. 1997)
Thompson, Adam (B.Sc.E. 2000)
Thompson, Christy (B.Sc.E. 1978)
Thomson, David (B.Sc.E. 1981)
Tout, Adrian (M.Sc.E. 1997)
Tsolakis, Kyriakos (M.Eng. 1997)
Urquhart, Landon (B.Sc.E. 2008)
van de Poll, Robert (M.Sc.E. 2002)
Vogt, Vern (B.Sc.E. 1983)
Walford, Justin (M.Sc.E. 1995)
Wallace, Stephen (B.Sc.E. 1986)
Walsh, Wayne (B.Sc.E. 1986)
Weirathmueller, Michelle (B.Sc.E. 2005)
West, John (B.Sc.E. 1976)
Wheaton, Jamie (B.Sc.E. 1999)
Whynot, Mark (B.Sc.E. 1994)
Widmer, Thomas (M.Eng. 2001)
Wilkins, Rick (B.Sc.E. 1986; M.Sc.E. 1990)
Williams, Mike (B.Sc.E. 2007)
Wojnarowska, Marta (M.Sc.E. 1995)
Woolnough, Dave (M.Sc.E. 1970; Ph.D. 1974)
Yazdani, Rostam (Ph.D. 1982)
Yorke, Andrew (B.Sc.E. 2000)
Yorke, Peter (B.Sc.E. 1999)
Zwart, Peter (M.Sc.E. 1980)
Hassanuddin Zainal Abidin
Added 1998-November-6
We heard from Hassanuddin Zainal Abidin early in 1998. He is lecturing at the Department of Geodesy, Institute of Technology Bandung. Aside from teaching, he does consultancy and advisory work for both private and government agencies. He has four children now. His wife is also lecturing at the university. Hasan can be reached at
Olayinka Adekoya
Added 1996-April-29
We were saddened to recently receive the news that our former graduate student, Mrs. Olayinka Adekoya, had passed away very unexpectedly in June 1995. Mrs. Adekoya was Nigeria's Surveyor General, a position she had held since 1994.
Miss Olayinka Lasebikan arrived in Fredericton in 1965 to pursue her bachelor degree in surveying engineering. She married Olungbega Adekoya in 1966, completed her B.Sc.E. in 1969, and went home to Nigeria with her husband. In 1971 they both returned to Canada, and Olayinka obtained her M.Sc.E. degree in 1973. Her thesis on the application of two-media photogrammetry in coastal mapping was supervised by Dr. Salem Masry. Many of us remember Mrs. Adekoya in full Nigerian dress, gliding up and down the corridors of academia, persuasively convincing us to purchase cosmetic products that we would never use, yet completely unable to resist her wonderful personality.
Adekoya had joined the Nigerian Federal Surveys in 1965 where her specialty was photogrammetry. In 1984 she was elected President of Commission VI of the International Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. In 1987 she became Principal of the Federal School of Surveying in Oyo, and was appointed Deputy Surveyor-General of Nigeria in 1988.
In October 1994, the Department had been looking forward to greeting Mrs. Adekoya at a FIG/Geomatics Atlantic annual conference held in Fredericton, but political problems at home kept her from attending. In March 1995, a symposium was held in Lagos, Nigeria, to honour the achievement of Mrs. Olayinka Adekoya on the occasion of her 50th birthday. Little did the participants at either event think that the world would soon be a poorer place for her absence.
We join her friends and associates from around the world in expressing our sympathy to Olayinka's family. We know how much this kind, friendly, enthusiastic, and regal woman shall be missed.
Benson Agi
Added 1999-December-1
Benson contacted the department with his most recent address. Benson, who is a 'Digital Resources Specialist' at McMaster University, can be reached at:
Room L217
Mills Memorial Library
McMaster University
Hamilton, ON
Canada L8S 4L6
His e-mail address is, his phone number is 905-525-9140, and his fax number is 905-546-0625. We wish him well in his career at McMaster.
Samsul Bachri
Added 1998-November-6
Samsul Bachri is living in Perth, Australia, finishing his Ph.D.
Frank Backes
Added 1999-December-22
Frank reported that his Certificate of Academic Proficiency in Hydrographic Surveying has enabled him to find a job in Germany almost at once. He is with Offshore Survey and Engineering in Bremen, Germany. He is involved in data acquisition for such things as platform positioning, cable and pipeline surveys, and wharf and harbour surveys, mainly in Germany but Frank has had one job outside Germany and made it to the Bahamas. We wish him luck in his future. He can be reached at
Tim Barker
Added 1999-September-1
"Since defrosting from the Canadian winters, I have worked in a number of geomatics-related research, development, and policy areas within government in sunny Queensland, Australia (beautiful one day; perfect the next). I have recently taken 18 months leave from my position as Manager Integrated Information Products in the Department of Natural Resources, to pursue a Ph.D. at the Queensland University of Technology. Tracey and I now have three sons - six, three, and 3 months. I would love to hear from the many friends I studied with at UNB. I can be reached at:
Phone: +61 7 3864 1440
Fax: +61 7 3864 1809"
Jason Bartlett
Added 2006-August-3
Jason is a hydrographer with the Canadian Hydrographic Service, Central and Arctic currently working at UNB with the Ocean Mapping Group, University of New Brunswick.
Updated 2007-April-23: Jason is a hydrographer with the Canadian Hydrographic Service, Canada Center for Inland Waters in Burlington, Ontario and can be reached at
Maurice Bastarache
Added 2000-May-11
Recently we were able to track down Maurice's whereabouts. He is the Associate Director of Operations for Electoral Geography at the Register and Geography Directorate, Elections Canada, 257 Slater Street, Ottawa, K1A 0M6. His work phone number is 613-991-6182; and his fax is 613-998-9961.
Geoff Bastin
Added 2006-August-3
Geoff is a geodetic engineer with the Canadian Centre for Geodetic Engineering ( at the University of New Brunswick.
Clark Beattie
Added 2010-March-31
"I am currently the business development manager for the Environment business for AECOM in the Middle East. Based in Abu Dhabi since 2001, my specialty is GIS and spatially enabled business applications so even after all these years I'm still able to use my Geomatics (Surveying Engineering in my day) degree to good effect. Before moving to the UAE I worked in various places in Canada, from Nova Scotia, PEI, Alberta, Manitoba through Ontario, initially in government departments and then in the private sector. I spent a lot of the time over the years doing international project assignments around the globe. When the opportunity came to move to the Middle East I remembered how my UNB classmates had been involved in setting up the surveying and mapping infrastructure for the UAE government back in the 70's so I made the move and have not regretted a moment. It has been a great opportunity to be part of the development that is occurring here. My environmental work is a nice change but leads me to interesting places and projects and there is always a need for someone who understands Geomatics. Living in a hot climate has its perks, especially in January when it is only +25 and the golf course beckons."
Jonathan Beaudoin
Added 2006-August-3
Jonathan ( is a research assistant and system manager with the Ocean Mapping Group (, University of New Brunswick and currently working part time towards his Ph.D.
Dave Benteau
Added 1999-November-8
Dave works for Fugro Jacques Geosciences and, as part of his duties, was involved in Hydro Camp 1999.
Tomas Beran
Added 2019-August-22
Tomas Beran is an GNSS Infrastructure Systems Engineer at Sapcorda Services GmbH in Hanover, Germany. Tomas can be reached at
Mustafa Berber
Added 2008-September-24
Mustafa has accepted a position in the Geomatics Engineering Program at the College of Engineering and Computer Science at the Florida Atlantic University in Port St. Lucie, Florida.
Updated 2014-August-11: Mustafa has accepted a position at California State University, Fresno. He can be reached at
Sunil Bisnath
Updated 2006-September-7
Sunil is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Earth and Space Science and Engineering at York University in Toronto. He can be reached at
Bertram Blake
Added 2003-January-13
Bertram was in touch with us in early January 2003. He is currently working as a geomatics engineer at VibroDynamics Inc., in Mississauga, Ontario. He can be reached by phone at 905-858-3430 and by e-mail at
Jody Blakely
Added 2001-May-25
Jody is currently working for Eastcan Geomatics Ltd. Although the head office is in Halifax, N.S., Jody is working in New Brunswick with the Department of Transportation on an ongoing project involving the development and management of a GIS-based highway inventory system.. He is specializing in the use of new technologies in GPS/GIS data collection and data management. Recent projects in which Jody has been involved are the collection of civic addresses for P.E.I., the E-911 program, and the collection of civic addressing information (while rolling out compost containers in Halifax Regional Municipality) in various counties throughout N.S. He can be reached at Eastcan Geomatics Ltd., phone 506-757-8401; fax: 506-757-8459; e-mail:
Jason Bond
Added 2008-November-28
Jason is now working as Manager of Geotechnical Solutions at Measurand Inc. in Fredericton, NB. He is involved in the development of Measurand's ShapeAccelArray technology for monitoring deformation in applications worldwide.
Updated 2013-July-31: Jason is the Coordinate Control Officer for the Province of Nova Scotia. He manages the province's spatial referencing program and operations, ensuring the integrity of the underlying coordinate referencing system. He can be reached at
Updated 2015-September-2: Jason received the first ever Award of Distinction from the Geomatics Association of Nova Scotia. Details.
Melony Boutilier
Added 1998-April-2
In January 1998, Melony was floating on the high seas in the Gulf of Mexico. She is working with Western Geophysical in Calgary, Alberta, as a Navigation Analyst.
Rupert Brooks
Added 1999-January-11
I am working as a Map Generalisation Specialist at the GeoAccess Division, Canada Centre for Remote Sensing. Right now I am spending my time on a project to restructure and generalise the VMAP level 0 data, as well as working with GSC to refine some polygon aggregation algorithms I developed.
I am also working on a MSc in Information and Systems Science at Carleton U.
I can be reached at:
Rupert Brooks
GeoAccess Division, CCRS
Room 650, 615 Booth Street
Ottawa, ON
K1A 0E9
Kevin Brown
Added 2003-October-16
Kevin is the Survey Engineer (Partner) in the Bedford office of Terrain Group Inc. and can be reached at
Robert (Bob) James Bruce
Updated 2007-April-2
We heard from Bob recently, and he was kind enough to fill us in on some of the details of his life since leaving UNB in 1980. After graduation, Bob spent a year in Summerside, P.E.I., working for LRIS. Having experienced the ocean, he decided to attempt prairie living, or more precisely, Winnipeg. There he is employed at the provincial Land Information Centre (formerly the Surveys and Mapping Branch) where he is Geomatics Support Engineer. That means that he supports the geomatics software used at the Centre, and he is responsible for the development and maintenance of cadastral mapping software.
Update: Bob has been getting involved with open-source geospatial software, developing a mapping interface for His home web page is He can be reached at
Steve Brucker
Added 2006-August-3
Steve ( is a research assistant and Heron specialist with the Ocean Mapping Group (, University of New Brunswick and currently working part time towards his M.Sc.E.
Brian Burridge
Added 2007-November-12
Brian is with Midwest Surveys Inc. in Maple Creek, SK. He can be reached at
Brian and Jill Cheverie were married in early September 2007 in Souris, PEI.
Pat Byrne
Added 2005-December-5
Pat manages the Construction and Positioning division of Fugro Jacques GeoSurveys in St. John's, NL. He can be reached at
Kevin Caines
Added 2000-April-19
Kevin is currently the Area Manager for the N.S. Department of Transportation in Truro, Nova Scotia. He looks after road and equipment maintenance as well as snow and ice control. He can be reached by phone at work at 902-893-5780 or by e-mail at
Cyril Carlin
Added 1996
Cyril Carlin earned diplomas from the Maritime Forest Ranger School in 1953 and the Nova Scotia Land Survey Institute in 1954. He was commissioned a Nova Scotia land Surveyor in 1955. After obtaining his B.Sc.E. in 1962, Carlin went on to obtain his M.Sc.E. from UNB in 1970. Among the many projects that took Carlin from coast to coast to coast with Energy, Mines and Resources Canada were charting Lake Winnipegosis; legal surveying in Northwest Territories, western Canada, and the Maritimes; vertical surveying to map the Churchill Falls reservoir; and establishing control survey networks in Calgary and Regina.
Cyril became involved with the province of New Brunswick surveying and mapping program in 1967. He joined the Council of Maritime Premiers Land Registration and Information Service as a division director in 1973, and he was responsible for establishing regional offices in the Maritimes. In 1991, Carlin returned to the New Brunswick government as a geodesist to develop a precise network of survey control using GPS technology.
Dave Carney
Added 2013-August-16
Dave is Executive Director of the Canadian Military Engineers Association, living in Ottawa. He can be reached at
Logan Ceretti
Added 2006-February-14
Logan is with ADW Surveying and Mapping in Calgary.
John Cestnick
Added 1998-October-29
John Cestnick let us know that he's now with Woolpert LLP and can be reached at
Xin Chen
Updated 2000-November-23
Xin was in touch with Richard Langley in late October 2000. He began working for Leica GPS in mid-October as a senior technical consultant. Currently living in Beijing, he will be moving to the Hong Kong branch in December to work for an indefinite period. His position is to secure the bridge between Leica's GPS headquarters and the Chinese market. As a result, Xin will probably be visiting the U.S. headquarters occasionally. With his wife, Dawn, Xin has a 6-months old daughter, Amy.
Updated 2014-November-4: Xin is now General Manager at Shanghai Topcon-Sokkia Technology & Trading Co. Ltd.
Jill (Cheverie) Burridge
Added 2007-January-25
Jill is with Midwest Surveys Inc. in Maple Creek, SK. She can be reached at
Updated 2007-November-8: Jill and Brian Burridge were married in early September 2007 in Souris, PEI.
Julian Chong
Added 2000-November-8
Updated 2007-May-24: Julian received his BBA in 1987 and is currently working in West Malaysia for Jurukur Perunding Services Sdn Bhd as their Quality Management Representative (ISO 9001:2000 certification).
He is actively involved in organisations such as The ASEAN Federation of Land Surveying & Geomatics and The Institution of Surveyors Malaysia. He can be reached at
He met John McLaughlin during his stopover in Kuala Lumpur in February 2007.
Ian Church
Added 2008-November-28
Ian is a research assistant with the Ocean Mapping Group (, University of New Brunswick and currently working part time towards his M.Sc.E. Ian can be reached by e-mail.
Jamie Clarke
Added 2004-October-29
Jamie was in touch with Drs. Dave Coleman and Dave Wells in July 2004. His project at the time of his degree dealt with submarine ECDIS (or SECDIS) and you can see from his message that he is still involved in that area at the command level.
Jamie wrote:
"It's been a few years, so I thought I'd give you a bit of an update on what I've been up to. SECDIS is now a real, live product from Offshore Systems International (it's installed and working in HMCS Victoria). It is being marketed as ECPINS-M (Subs) - or something like that (see So far, the product has been sold to the Royal Navy, and the Australians with the Norwegians and Americans showing interest. I was at sea in a Norwegian submarine this past March (see thumbnail) and had an opportunity to use the system in the fjords. It now has bottom contour navigation features - worked very well with high resolution bathymetry (10 m).
"Professionally, I've just finished 3 years as the Executive Officer in HMCS Victoria. Next month (August) I leave for Norway for the fall to attend their Submarine Command Course. If all goes well, I'll return to HMCS Victoria as the Captain just before Christmas. It is a very intense course with lots of sea time and little sleep - having earned the nickname "Perisher". Several navies run this type of Submarine Command training and I'll be the first Canadian to attend the course in Norway. Last fall I had the opportunity of a lifetime. I was the first Canadian (and only second foreigner) to attend the United States Navy's Submarine Command course. The link below refers to a story about my attendance on the course."
Jamie can be reached at
Click on the thumbnail image to fetch the full-sized version, 23 KB.
John Coldrick
Added 2002-April-18
Updated 2008-February-18: "I am back in Canada!
After leaving UNB I worked for a company based out of Fredericton although the job was in St. John. This lasted for around 8 months. I then took a job in Grande Prairie, Alberta for a miserable 4 months (November-March) where it never got any warmer than -20°C including a -60°C one day. This was an oil-industry surveying position. Hating the bitter cold I got on the phone and found a job based out of Lafayette, Louisiana, USA. Having never been to the Deep South, I embraced this exciting opportunity and the warm weather. After realizing that his job entailed many 105-hour weeks with not that great of an hourly wage, I decided to seek another employer. Louisiana is a beautiful state and I highly recommend visiting it if you have not been there.
Leica Geosystems hired me and moved me to Boston, Mass. After two years there, Leica moved me to Atlanta, Georgia. I was very happy to leave Boston and return to the South I loved. After spending another 6 years with Leica and seeing my career somewhat stagnate, my wife and I decided to return to Canada.
I currently live in the greater Vancouver area of British Columbia. I have been here over a year and I work for Cansel Surveying Equipment providing technical support.
There are many ways you can contact me:
My e-mail address is
I have a web site
I am in the Facebook network.
You can read my blog and hear some of my songs at
I would love to hear from you."
Corey Collins
Added 2007-April-25
Corey is currently working with CARIS here in Fredericton where he is a Product Manager and deals with customer support and training. He can be reached at He and his wife, Lynnette, just had a little boy, Anton John Collins, on April 12.
Paul Collins
Added 1999-October-28
Paul Collins has come to rest at the Geodetic Survey of Canada's GPS operations sector. He is working on the Active Control System network of receivers in both real-time and post-processing operations. The long-term goal of this work is to recover the water vapour content at the ACS stations for meteorological forecasting. We wish him well for the future. Paul can be reached at
Réal Comeau
Added 2007-May-29
Réal has been in Alberta since his graduation. He's lived and worked in Medicine Hat, Calgary, Edmonton, and back to Medicine Hat as an Office Manager for Altus Geomatics (formerly Allwest Surveys). He and his wife Tammy have two children, Madeline (5) and Aidan (7), and they love living in Medicine Hat. He can be reached at
Bernie Connors
Added 2004-May-11
Bernie wrote the end of April letting us know that he never left New Brunswick. He lives in a new house in New Maryland, just outside Fredericton, with his wife, Kathy, and sons James (10) and Liam (7). Bernie is the GIS manager for the New Brunswick Department of the Environment and Local Government where he has worked since 1997. Bernie can be reached at N 45°54'08.8" W 66°41'32.5".
Updated 2008-June-24: "I have been working at Service New Brunswick as SDI Manager since January 2008. And in my spare time I manage a website called NB Sport Spots".
Updated 2009-December-16: Bernie is working on the development of "GeoNB" - a spatial data infrastructure for New Brunswick. The GeoNB Map Viewer was recently launched on the Internet. Bernie was interviewed by CBC about the launch of the GeoNB Map Viewer.
Updated 2011-June-13: Bernie can be reached on Twitter.
Wendy (Corcoran) Watson
Updated 2006-October-18
As of February 2006, Wendy is vice president of network solutions at ARTNet, LLC, a division of Allen Precision Equipment, Atlanta, Georgia. She was recently featured in The American Surveyor.
Jacinthe Cormier
Updated 1999-February-15
Jacinthe is now at the following location:
Ingénieure de projets
Support Technique aux Systèmes d'Information Géographique
Service Hydrographique du Canada, Région Laurentienne
Institut Maurice Lamontagne
CP 1000
850 route de la Mer
Mont-Joli, Québec
G5H 3Z4
Phone: 418-775-0510
Fax: 418-775-0654
Norm Coté
Added 2006-August-3
Norm ( is Project Manager for the New Brunswick Department of Transportation.
Karen Cove
Added 2006-August-3
Karen is a product coordinator with CARIS ( in Fredericton, NB.
Lynne (Cowan) Allan
Updated 2003-October-1
Lynne advised us that Angus Allan arrived on 19 July 2003 at the Princess Anne Hospital, Southampton, England. He weighed in at 8 lbs. Lynne, Peat, and Isla are all doing well. Lynne can be reached at
Bronwyn (Cox) Denton
Added 2015-October-19
Bronwyn was sworn in as president of the Association of BC Land Surveyors (ABCLS) during its 110th annual general meeting in Penticton, BC. She will serve as the first female president in the history of the ABCLS.
Tony Curtis
Updated 1999-March-11
In February 1997, I joined the Geomatics Professional Development Program with Natural Resources Canada and graduated in February 1999. During the two-year program, I worked at Aeronautical and Technical Services, Canadian Centre for Remote Sensing, and the Department of National Defence in Ottawa. I then spent some time working for the Canadian Hydrographic Service at the Bedford Institute of Oceanography in Nova Scotia. I have now taken on the role of GIS Manager for the City of Kissimmee in Central Florida. I live in Orlando and can be reached by phone at 407-240-6733 or at
Peter DeKrom
Updated 2004-March-17
Peter sent an update on his whereabouts. He is currently employed with Towill, Inc. ( in Englewood, Colorado, as a geodetic engineer/tunnel project manager. The company has Peter involved in projects throughout the United States. He can be contacted by e-mail at and by cell phone at 303-961-1703.
Steve DeLoach
Added 2003-September-30
Steve contacted us at the end of August with his latest whereabouts. He is currently Associate Director of Engineering, Design and Construction with the Smithsonian Institution in Washington D.C. He and the Institution are involved in an ongoing, 10 year, 1.5 billion dollar new construction and renovation program with research facilities from Hawaii to Chile and, of course, the museums in Washington, D. C. Steve has been asked to incorporate geospatial technologies, GIS, and CADD object models or building information models, into the design, construction, and facility management process with the Institution. Steve would enjoy hearing from friends and he can be reached at
Updated 2013-March-11: Steve is Deputy Chief, Engineering and Construction, HQ USACE. He lives in Maryland, U.S.A., and can be reached at He writes: "My family is doing well, just a bit older. I have made another career move, and am now back with the Corps of Engineers. A very challenging and dynamic environment. I must say, the rigour UNB-GGE put into the Department's written products has served me well over the years; including my review of the Corps guidance documents today."
Eugene F. Derenyi
Added 2003-March-24
Eugene was back on campus on 12 March participating in a presentation entitled "Inventing, patenting, and managing technology in start-ups." Eugene Jr. (as we tend to call him) heads the Patent Section of Stikeman Elliott's Intellectual Property practice group in Ottawa. Stikeman Elliott is rated by Maclean's magazine to be one of the top 100 employers in Canada. Eugene's group is mainly involved with patent prosecution in the software, e-commerce, electrical, mechanical, chemical, biotechnological, and pharmaceutical fields . Eugene can be reached by e-mail at and by phone at 613-566-0544.
Ivan Detchev
Added 2009-April-17
Ivan is currently working on his MSc at the University of Calgary. He is part of the Digital Photogrammetry Research Group and his thesis has to do with the design of an inexpensive photogrammetric system used for the 3D reconstruction of scoliotic torsos. Ivan says "The application happens to be biomedical but the research is all standard close range phtotogrammetry - digital camera calibration, stability analysis, image matching etc." Ivan can be reached by e-mail at
Semme Dijkstra
Added 2000-January-13
Semme let us know that he has settled into his job with Larry Mayer's new institute at the University of New Hampshire. Semme can be reached at:
The Center for Coastal and Ocean Mapping
University of New Hampshire
24 Colovos Road
Durham, NH 03824
His e-mail address is We don't feel that Semme has left the family, but simply moved to another town.
Jim Dobbin
Added 2006-August-3
Jim is an instructor at the College of Geographic Sciences ( in Lawrencetown , Nova Scotia.
Dave Dodd
Added 2001-November-12
Dave is currently a faculty member at The University of Southern Mississippi (USM) at Stennis Space Center. He is also the Department of Marine Sciences coordinator of the Hydrographic Science Master's degree program offered by USM. As such, he is Dave Wells's boss. Dave Dodd can be contacted at
Updated 2009-May-11: Dave is now a Senior Research Associate with Geodesy and Geomatics Engineering at UNB.
James Dorland
Added 2019-June-17
James is on the board of directors of Professional Surveyors Canada.
Mark Doucette
Added 2006-August-3
Mark ( is the Principal of Water Mark Industries Inc. and has 30 years of experience working in project environments around the world.
He is a registered Professional Engineer in Alberta (, British Columbia (, and New Brunswick ( He is the Chair of Terradigm, an industry association of geomatics firms (, the Chair of the New Brunswick Branch of the Canadian Institute of Geomatics (, and former Chair of the Champlain Institute.
Ziquin Du
Added 2000-September-29
Ziquin currently resides in Calgary, Alberta, and he can be reached at
Peter Duguid
Added 2000-September-29
Peter is right here in Fredericton, working at CARIS. He can be reached at
Luc Dumas
Added 1997-May-20
Luc Dumas, as manager for Challenger Surveys and Services Ltd. in Thailand, was involved in eighteen months of talks with the Thai Southeast Asia Technology Co. Ltd. (Seatec) to form a joint venture. Edmonton-based Challenger Surveys and Services Ltd., which specializes in satellite imaging, surveying, and mapping, saw Southeast Asia as a hugh market for its products. The agreement was signed in January 1997 during one stop in Prime Minister Jean Chrétien's Team Canada trade tour. The new company, Geomat International Co. Ltd., will provide such geomatics services as high-tech surveying for infrastructure, forestry, agriculture, and urban planning.
Dumas, who was granted his degree at convocation in the fall of 1996, had, as the topic of his thesis, "Spatial information schemes for village water resources management in the Lower Mekong basin."
Click on the thumbnail image for a better look at the well-travelled graduate, 53 KB. (Photo: Gordon D.R. Clements/The Globe and Mail)
Rajavel Duraiswamy
Added 2007-September-28
Raj is working for Stantec in their Geomatics Division in Edmonton, Alberta as a Geomatics Data Analyst. He can be reached at
LeMont Edwards
Added 2008-November-28
LeMont is working with MMM Group in Fort McMurray Alberta as their Operations Manager. He was in town this week for a visit and to recruit students. LeMont can be contacted at
Paul Ellegood
Added 1998-April-2
Paul is working in a Calgary legal firm, Caltech Surveys Ltd., and can be reach at
John Ells
Updated 2010-December-6
John contacted us on 22 January 2003 with an update to his information and to his photo. John is working for the Canadian Hydrographic Service, Geodesy and Radio Positioning Section, in Ottawa. He is involved in transforming CHS charts from various known and unknown datums to the NAD83. In his spare time, he likes to build stuff with power tools, and tend his garden veggies. John can be reached at
Update: John continues to work for the Canadian Hydrographic Service in Ottawa as a Geodetic Engineer (PEO) and specializes in boundaries and sovereignty. When not too busy with his two kids John likes to put a few thousands kilometers a year on his bicycle. He can be reached by phone at 613.995.3882.
Richard Emode
Added 2000-September-15
Richard contacted us in September 2000 with a change in his e-mail address. He is President of Geomatic International Technologies Inc. in Brampton, Ontario. Richard can be reached at his new e-mail address:
Dozie Ezigbalike
Added 1998-November-27
Dozie (Innocent) Ezigbalike has new coordinates. In August 1998, he moved from Melbourne, Australia, to Gaborone, Botswana, to become Head of the Surveying Division, Department of Civil Engineering, University of Botswana. Dozie had been a senior lecturer at the University of Melbourne for 6 years. In the photo he is seated in front of the main buildings of the modern university campus in Gaborone. Dozie reports that he is quite content to be back in Africa and is already involved in committees, workshops, and various off-campus activities. He encourages alumni/ae and friends to visit him and take in some of the best African wildlife (and nightlife) adventures available. Dozie can be reach at
Click on the thumbnail image to fetch the full-sized version, 42 KB. (Photo: Sue Nichols, August 1998)
Wolfgang Faig
Added 1996
Wolfgang Faig returned to his native Germany after completing his M.Sc.E. degree in 1965. He obtained his doctorate from Stuttgart University in 1969, and he became assistant professor of civil engineering at the University of Illinois. He returned to UNB in 1971 to teach and do research in engineering surveys and photogrammetry. His UNB career progressed to associate professor (1973), professor (1978), associate dean of engineering (1981), and dean of engineering (since 1990), with short periods as acting department chair (1976), and director of graduate studies (1977-1980).
In spite of his administrative duties, Faig continues with his research and supervision of graduate students; 27 masters and 8 doctoral students have graduated under his supervision. He has authored 190 publications; one of his 1995 papers earned him the prestigious Grand Trophy of the Talbert Abrams Award administered by the American Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing.
He also continues to be active in the surveying profession where, among other commitments, he has been registrar of the Atlantic Provinces Board of Examiners for Land Surveyors since its inception in 1978. In 1995, the Association of New Brunswick Land Surveyors elected him an honorary member.
Mike Fellows
Added 2001-November-16
Mike was one of four athletes selected for the Canadian team competing in the 2001 World Orienteering Championships held in Tampere, Finland, from 16 July to 3 August. Mike is currently working as a consultant in geodesy, geomatics, and software engineering. Since his graduation, he has worked in a variety of locations in North America, Europe, and South America. In 2000, Mike competed in the Canadian championships where he won the short track competition and finished third in the classic race. As practice for the Worlds, Mike entered the U.S. Championships (where he finished 10th), and the qualifying meet in Ottawa (where he finished second).
Orienteering demands fitness as well as the ability to read a map, use a compass, and figure out the best route over terrain that may contain forests, open fields, swamps, streams, and ponds, as well as a variety of elevations. Mike's education in geomatics surely had to give him an edge!
Dave Finley
Added 2006-August-3
Dave ( is manager of the Topographic Infrastructure Unit of Service New Brunswick (
Shane Flanagan
Added 2003-October-16
Shane is the Survey Engineer (Partner) in the Moncton office of Terrain Group Inc. and can be reached at
Chris Follett
Updated 2005-March-31
"After graduating in 1998, I worked with Fugro Jacques in Halifax-Dartmouth until 2002. While with Fugro I traveled and worked in the oil-gas sector.
"In 2002 I left Fugro and entered the M. Eng - Petroleum Engineering program at Dalhousie, I enrolled full time and loved studying that field, however I left the program with only my thesis left to complete as East Coast interests in oil and gas were uncertain.
"I met the woman that is now my wife in 2003. We were married in Oct. 2004 and are currently expecting our first child in March 2005. My wife, being stationed in Winnipeg, was my reason for moving there, and now I am working with another alumnus, Christian Korell, at his company, Barnes and Duncan. So with this change in locale, I am now in the process of articling for my MLS. You can reach me at my work e-mail:"
Update: It's a boy. Weighing in at 8 lbs 14 oz, Lucas Arthur Follett was born into this world on March 20, 2005. Mom and little Lucas are doing very well.
Chris Foran
Updated 2002-March-19
Chris e-mailed us at the end of February 2002 to send an updated photo and some news. Chris was married in September 2000 to Nancy. They live at Stillwater Lake, just outside Halifax, N.S. Chris is a partner in SDMM Ltd. working on the M&NP natural gas pipeline project, the M&NP Halifax lateral pipeline project, and with municipal engineering in Halifax. He has obtained his P.Eng., and is still working on his NSLS license. In his spare time he goes mountain biking, sea kayaking, and adventure racing (and won a race in 2001). He can be reached by e-mail at, or by phone at 902-455-1537.
Ivan Ford
Updated 2001-August-27
Ivan owns and operates LandMark Consulting Services Ltd. located in Fredericton, New Brunswick. LandMark is a consulting company that provides services internationally in land administration and real property information management.
Ivan provides consulting services in real property administration to many of the republics of the former Soviet Union, and in countries in central, eastern, and southern Europe. In these countries he has advised cadastral and registration organizations in areas of policy development, education, and training, and in organizational, institutional, and technological reform relating to real property administration. Ivan's clients are such international funding institutions and donor organizations as the World Bank, United States Agency for International Development, Swedish International Development Agency, Food and Agriculture Organization, and the Canadian International Development Agency. (Photo courtesy of UNB Development and Public Relations)
Burns Foster
Added 2008-November-28
Burns is working for Caris here in Fredericton and enjoying it. He is working in the customer Services Department handling problems, requests and questions. Burns can be contacted at
Chris Fox
Added 2009-January-14
Chris is now living in Grande Prairie, Alberta, which is about 4 hours northwest of Edmonton. Upon graduation, Chris signed on full time with Focus Surveys and is enjoying his work as a Party Chief in the field. Chris is articling to become an Alberta Land Surveyor under another UNB graduate, Heather (Stairs) Roberts and is registered as an Engineer in Training with APEGGA. Upon completion of his Alberta Land Surveyors articling, Chris intends to work towards achieving his Canada Land Surveyors commission.
“Please feel free to contact me with any questions about the program at UNB, life with Focus or life in Alberta as a surveyor.”
John Galdins
Updated 2018-February-5
John Galdins gained an interest in surveying while acquiring a forestry degree from the University of Toronto (1962). Galdins completed his B.Sc.E. at UNB (1964), and says that he has, "never regretted the career change from forestry to surveying engineering." As with most UNB SE graduates, Galdins has seen a lot of Canada during his career. With Energy, Mines and Resources Canada he travelled to Lac-Ste-Jean; Baie Comeau, Manicouagan, southern Alberta, northern British Columbia, Vancouver Island, and Baffin Island. His experience using Aerodist took him to Guyana, South America, and Tanzania.
After 17 years with Transport Canada, an interest in computer graphics prompted Galdins to establish CAD-ACCESS Inc. in 1988 to convert architectural and engineering drawings to a CAD format. In 1994, as a volunteer heavy engineering consultant with CESO, he travelled to Poland and was able to advise Latvija, his country of birth, on how to implement GIS in Riga.
John passed away on January 23, 2018. Obituary.
Jan Garmulewicz
Added 2006-April-11
In 2000, the key players in Fugro-UDI - Mark Vorenkamp, Jan Garmulewicz and Ian Valentine - left the company to form Century Subsea, an Aberdeen-based ROV/AUV independent operator. Their company expanded to Houston, and was recently sold to GEO, a large Norwegian holding company. The name changed to Geo Century, and Jan and Ian were left in place to continue managing the company.
Richard Gauthier
Added 1998-December-15
Richard Gauthier would like those interested to know that he can be reached at
Daniel Gerard
Updated 2005-September-14
Dan and Alison now have two children - Olivia (5) and Jacob (2). Dan is a Land Surveyor/Project Engineer/Partner at Servant, Dunbrack, McKenzie & MacDonald Ltd.
Telephone: (902) 455-1537
Facsimile: (902) 455-8479
Cell: (902) 489-6905
Ali Ghafan
Added 2006-August-3
On April 1, 2001 Ali ( was promoted to Head of Survey Section at Dubai Land Department and is now planning to pursue his PhD in Land Administration or GIS in England.
André Godin
Added 2000-October-26
André is currently on leave from the Canadian Hydrographic Service. He is a faculty member at The University of Southern Mississippi at Stennis Space Center, where he is developing a graduate hydrography program for the university's Department of Marine Science, assisted by David Wells. André can be contacted at
Glenn Goss
Added 2019-February-25
We've been informed that Glenn has passed away. Details can be found here.
Troy Greene
Added 2000-February-26
Troy joined Racal-Pelagos Inc., in Halifax, Nova Scotia, upon graduation. He has participated in some multibeam surveys in Alaska for nautical charting under contract to the United States National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), and plans to return to the same area this coming summer. The only address we have for Troy is e-mail:
Mark Guest
Added 2009-April-20
Mark is working towards his NBLS, CLS, and P.Eng. with Hughes Surveys and Consultants Inc. in Saint John, NB. Mark reports "We take part in a wide variety of Surveying applications, including high definition surveying, legal surveys, engineering surveys, hydrographic surveys, and construction surveys."
Travis Hamilton
Added 2015-August-20
Travis has joined CARIS as the product manager of the newest application in the CARIS software suite, CARIS Onboard. Details.
Timothy Harding
Added 1998-April-2
Timothy is working for Challenger Surveys in Calgary, Alberta.
Stephen Hartley
Added 2006-August-3
Stephen was Executive Director of the Association of New Brunswick Land Surveyors from 1997 to 2007.
Updated 2007-November-13: Stephen works for Opus International here in Fredericton.
Updated 2013-February-8: Stephen is now a Senior Engineer with the City of Fredericton and can be reached at
John Hasson
Added 2002-September-16
John checked in with us in July 2002. He is currently Resource Manager with BP Canada Energy Co. He lives in Calgary, Alberta, with his wife and two daughters (currently aged 7 and 9). He can be reached by e-mail at
Erik Holmlund
Added 2006-August-3
Erik ( has been Project Manager for Focus' land management contract on ExxonMobil's Chad Development Project since 2000.
John Hughes
Added 2004-December-3
John was visiting the department and offered to give a presentation on the work he is doing. John works for BP America as a Subsea Team Leader on the Atlantis Project in the Gulf of Mexico. His primary role is to lead the team that will direct the installation of the subsea kit that goes on the seafloor to enable them to safely produce hydrocarbons in ultra deep water. The kit includes subsea trees, manifolds, jumpers (piping interconnects), hydraulic distribution systems, electrical distribution systems and all the positioning that goes with this which is all accomplished from the drilling rig with remotely-operated vehicles. Thank you very much John, for giving up your time to share with the students, faculty and staff some very interesting information. John can be reached at
Hal Janes
Added 2008-November-28
Hal is General Manager - West and partner in MMM Group in Edmonton Alberta. He was in town this week for a visit and to recruit students. Hal can be contacted at
Suresh Jeyaverasingam
Added 2008-November-28
Suresh is currently working as a Product Analyst with Caris and is involved in product improvement (research and development), assisting with customer services and testing new releases of software before it is released to the client. The job involves communication between different aspects of the company from technical support to the development of team. "I'm sort of a translator between the engineering and development staff". He can be contacted at
Beth Jimmo
Added 2001-November-13
Beth was sighted by Dave Wells at the George Street Market on Saturday, 1 September. According to Wells:
After graduation Beth worked for Racal Pelagos out of San Diego for a while, then switched to SAIC in Newport, RI. That job ended when the company's Navy funding dried up, and she was laid off. She worked as a consultant to Racal (the way Dave Dodd did from Fredericton for a while). She then started working for ATT longlines in New Jersey, which was bought up by Tyco in New Hampshire. Her husband-to-be also worked at ATT. When the transoceanic cable industry crashed, they moved to Wellington, New Zealand, where he continues to work as a consultant to the cable industry, while Beth is a stay-at-home Mom. She had only good things to say about New Zealand.
We missed her at the 40th anniversary reunion.
Dedy Rumhadi Karman
Added 1998-November-6
The last news we received about Dedy Rumhadi Karman was that he now has six children.
Ali Kharaghani
Added 2009-April-7
Ali is currently working with the Integrated Land Management Bureau of GeoBC in British Columbia.
Y.C. Kok
Added 2006-November-2
Y.C. is currently working as a Project Manager in Jurukur Perunding World Services ( in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. His main task is taking care of GPS and engineering projects, Y.C. can be reached at and asks that anyone planning a visit to Malaysia contact him.
Attila Komjathy
Added 1999-December-13
Attila informed the world that his wife, Katalin, had given birth to David Levente Komjathy on 9 December. David weighed in at 3.01 kg. Attila reports that he is getting quite good at changing diapers now. So, congratulations Attila and Katalin, and welcome to a potential future Department undergraduate.
Updated 2006-December-7: Attila received an award for exceptional scientific and technical contributions from the National Aeronautics and Space Administration's Inventions and Contributions Board. Details.
Updated 2013-April-3: Attila is now an adjunct professor in the Department of Geodesy and Geomatics Engineering at UNB. Above, Adam Komjathy with a GGE 50th anniversary mug and UNB flag. Click on the image for a better look.
Azadeh Koohzare
Added 2007-October-30
Azadeh is a Development Project Manager with McElhanney Consulting Services Ltd. and can be reached at
Gurpreet Kooner
Added 2009-April-20
Gupreet is articling with a company out of Twawwassen, BC called Watson & Barnard Land Surveys. Gurp reports "we were highly involved in the move of the Tsawwassen First Nations out of the federal system into the provincial system, the first of its kind in Canada which required an absolute re-survey of all boundaries including all parcels and required 104 plans deposited into the New Westminster Land Titles Office."
Andrew Laidlaw
Added 1998-October-29
Andrew Laidlaw is with Woolpert LLP and can be reached at
Heather Langill
Added 2005-December-8
Heather is working for C & C Technologies in Lafayette, Louisiana. She had been working offshore on their AUV (Autonomous Underwater Vehicle) project, but just recently started working in the office. She can be reached at
Carl Larsen
Updated 2001-December-3
"I have been employed with McElhanney Land Surveys for the last nine months as a project manager for the Firebag In-Situ Oil Sands Project. It is a challenging project. We have up to ten crews working on the project at its peak. We are setting up a control network for the plant construction, locating coreholes and wellsites, clearing a major utility corridor, and many other construction surveys. The Firebag experience has been very intense - a real test of all the training I obtained at UNB. I have been working quite closely with Mark Selander (another UNB graduate). I have also met Walter Johnson and Jim Sweeny."
Carl can be reached at
Dave Lever
Added 1996
Dave Lever graduated in 1964 and immediately joined the Topographic Surveys Division of Energy Mines and Resources in Ottawa. Although the government appeared willing to pay him twelve months of the year, they had a job for him only during the five summer months. After two years, he felt he had better decamp before his employer wised up! In 1971, Lever received his Association of Ontario Land Surveyors commission, and he moved to Toronto to help his employer enter the photogrammetric mapping business.
Lever lives in Markham, Ontario, and is in his 27th year with J.D. Barnes Limited. He describes his position with the company as that of Vice-President, Finance and Chief Cook and Bottle Washer.
Lovett Lewis
Added 2003-November-17
Lovett has bought Cansel, the largest distributor of land-based positioning systems in North America. He joined Cansel in 1992 and relocated to the west coast in 1998. We wish him well in his future endeavours.
Kenneth Longley
Added 2000-September-15
Kenneth reported in from the Philippines in July 2000. He is working for McElhanney and travelling the world. He has spent time in Mexico doing photo targets, and he sounds as though he is enjoying life. Ken can be reach by e-mail at
Jamie Lutes
Added 2001-November-16
Jamie is currently (as of June 2001) a Geodetic Systems Specialist in the Value Added Products (VAP) Engineering Department of Space Imaging in Thornton, Colorado. Jamie is still working on his M.Sc.E. thesis (at least that is what he says) in between projects that seem to be fascinating him. Jamie can be reached at
Lesley MacCullam and Peter Yorke
Updated 2003-April-22
Lesley e-mailed in from California in January 2003 to bring us up to date on her and husband Peter's news. They are both "surveyors" with Psomas; Lesley in their Costa Mesa office and Peter in their West Los Angeles office. Come mid-February Lesley and Peter expect to be proud parents of a little boy. Our congratulations and best wishes go out to them. Lesley can be reached at, however, she will be on maternity leave until the end of May or the beginning of June 2003.
Matthew Gregory Arrives
Lesley MacCullam and Peter Yorke are the proud parents of Matthew Gregory, born 6 February 2003 at 4:45 p.m. and weighing 9 lbs and 4 ounces. Congratulations to all concerned.
Mark MacDonald
Added 1999-November-8
Mark works for Fugro Jacques Geosciences and, as part of his duties, was involved in Hydro Camp 1999.
James Macinnis
Added 1998-April-2
James is working for Challenger Surveys in Calgary, Alberta.
Julia MacRory
Added 2002-October-24
News from Julia comes from California. After becoming one of the first two women British Columbia Land Surveyors two years ago, Julia moved to California. She is working for a private survey firm in the San Francisco area. She says, "My big news is that I've passed the California Land Surveying Exam and am now licensed here. My professional credentials now span two countries. Only 13% of the 446 people attempting the exam in April passed it." Congratulations Julia! She can be reached at
Beth-Anne Martin
Added 2006-September-7
Beth-Anne has been with Critchlow Ltd. ( in Wellington, New Zealand since 2005. She can be reached at
Travis Maxwell
Added 2008-May-22
Travis is currently stationed in Ottawa and he and Claire are pleased to announce the birth of Megan, a little sister for Lauren. Congratulations from GGE to the Maxwell family. Travis can be reached at
Walter K. Mayr,
Queensland Small Business Entrepreneur of the Year
Added 1997-May-22
In December 1996, Walter Mayr, Managing Director of Brisbane-based ERSIS, was named 1996 Queensland Small Business Entrepreneur of the Year. After completing his initial studies and working for ten years as a surveyor in Queensland, Mayr came to UNB and completed a Land Information Management Diploma in 1986.
In 1988, Mayr started ERSIS to apply GIS to everyday business applications. ERSIS is a leading Australian developer of GIS solutions and value-added data sets. The company is a strategic partner of MapInfo Corp., and has been recognized worldwide for its associated product applications.
Recently the company has assisted the Malaysian Government to plan a light rapid transit project, helped the Solomon Island Government to record its natural forest resources, and prepared an earthquake damage survey for the Asian Development Bank. "Its GIS and desktop mapping software for use on PCs is more user-friendly than those previously available," says Mayr. (Photo courtesy of ERSIS Australia)
Stewart McCall
Added 1998-October-29
Stewart McCall can be reached at
Paul McCluskey
Added 2002-July-31
In the 2 February 2002 issue of The New Brunswick Reader, Paul discussed his job with Hitchman Surveys of Fredericton. Although he appreciated his degree from UNB, he said, "University is nowhere near enough to make you a surveyor. It is only a stepping stone." Once you obtain a degree, which gives you the basics, and complete an apprenticeship under an established land surveyor and obtain a licence, you have to keep up with the constant technological changes through continuing education.
We wish Paul success in all his endeavours.
Donna (McElhinney) Gertridge
Updated 2003-October-3
Donna contacted us in August with an update to her life. She is currently Crown Parcel Specialist with the Office of the Surveyor General's Geographic Information Ontario (GIO). GIO is working on the Ontario Parcel Project - creating digital parcel mapping for Ontario - in partnership with Teranet and the Municipal Property Assessment Corporation. Donna's job includes checking contractor's Crown parcel data and township fabric and sending and tracking parcel maintenance. She also tries to keep the First Nations Reserve boundaries up to date, as well as to provide land ownership information for the Forest Management Plans. Donna enjoys digging through the old correspondence files and looking at the original township surveys, many of them done by true artists.
Donna's husband, Dennis, also works with GIO but in the Base Data Infrastructure Section. Together they purchased a GPS receiver and have taken up geocaching ( as a great way to get outside, play with technology, and take their two boys (ages 6 and 9) hiking. She can be reached at
Shawn McFarlane
Updated 2012-April-24
Shawn is currently working for Terra Surveys in Alaska. He says that the work he is doing in Alaska greatly resembles what he learned in the field camp for Hydrography II.
Update: Shawn is working for Barnes & Duncan in Winnipeg, Manitoba. He is a Field Manager/Junior Project Manager supervising 6 field crews and working on the West Dyke, a 30 km long portion of the Winnipeg Floodway. He can be reached at
Updated 2008-September-24: Shawn has left Barnes & Duncan and moved to Acres Manitoba to focus on finishing his EIT and obtaining his P.Eng. Shawn can be reached at
Updated 2012-April-24: Shawn is now with Allnorth Consultants Ltd. He will be running the surveying and geomatics operations for the Saskatoon office, something on the order of 15 to 20 field crews over various projects around the province, doing planning, budgeting, operational logistics, site investigations, some actual field work, and helping the company move forward as it continues to expand and grow. Shawn can be reached at
Robin McLaren
Added 1998-November-27
On 21 September 1998, Robin McLaren was a guest speaker at a social gathering of the Fredericton branch of the Canadian Institute of Geomatics. McLaren is president of Know Edge Systems in Edinburgh, Scotland. His company is a GIS and land information management technology firm. In his capacity as technical management consultant, McLaren has designed, managed, and evaluated land information management systems and programs in North America, across Europe, and in the Far East. His projects have ranged from land reform in Mongolia, Estonia, the Philippines, and Yemen; modernization of the land registration/cadastral sector in Hungary; to the implementation of spatial decision support systems for the economic development agency in Scotland.
It was nice seeing Robin in the department again.
Click on the thumbnail image to fetch the full-sized version, 30 KB.
Jim McLellan
Updated 1999-September-27
Jim can now be reached at the following:
Jim McLellan, President
Eagle Navigation Systems Inc.
2916B - 19th Street N.E.
Calgary, Alberta
T2E 6Y9
Phone: 403-291-3959
Fax: 403-291-3956
Cell: 403-870-0269
Virgilio Mendes
Added 2006-August-3
Virgilio ( is an Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Sciences of the University of Lisbon, Portugal.
Stelios Mertikas
Added 2006-April-11
Stelios has about 20-year experience with satellite precise positioning, navigation, quality control and remote sensing. He has been involved in research programs in North America and contributed to the development of satellite software programs in Canada, most of which are commercially available today. He has worked as a Lecturer and Professor at the University of New Brunswick and the University of Toronto, Canada, respectively. He was post-doctoral fellow at the University of Calgary, Canada in 1991 and also Honorary Visiting Fellow at the School of Geomatic Engineering of the University of New South Wales (UNSW), Australia during his sabbatical in 1996. He was also a Japan Science and Technology fellow at the National Research Institute for Earth Science and Disaster Prevention, in Japan in 2000 for 3 months. He is now Professor at the Division of Exploration and Positioning at the Department of Mineral Resources Engineering of the Technical University of Crete.
Stelios has 3 children; Polichronis 13, Panagiotis 12, and Sofia 10 and is currently on sabbatical and finishing his 3rd book.
David Millar
Added 2009-June-16
David ( is President of Fugro Pelagos in San Diego, California and is responsible for general management of the company. David has been with Fugro for 18 years and has held several positions during that time. Congratulations David from Geodesy and Geomatics Engineering.
Guy (Sandy) Allen Milliken
Added 1998-June-4
Although his message was rather on the short side, Sandy recently sent a greeting to us. He is employed at ESRI (Environmental Systems Research Institute), in Redlands, California. He joined the company in April 1996. Sandy can be reached at
Lori Mofford
Added 2008-May-8
Lori works for the Government of New Brunswick in Public Safety and can be reached at
Updated 2008-July-17: Lori has made it through the first round of selections for her dream job ... astronaut! She's in a group of 5,000 people but is very excited and staying positive.
Dave Monahan
Added 2006-August-3
Dave ( is Chairman, GEBCO, Center for Coastal and Ocean Mapping/NOAA-UNH Joint Hydrographic Center, University of New Hampshire.
Cory Moore
Updated 2006-January-26
Cory e-mailed us to say he's married and still living in Houston, working for
Updated 2008-February-15: "Still living in Houston. Married with one child (boy). Now working for Chevron, still in the oil and gas industry". Cory can be reached at
Gerard Mtalo
Added 2005-February-10
Gerard visited some old friends in the Department on January 28, 2005. Dr. Mtalo is Chair of the Department of Geomatics, University College of Lands and Architectural Studies in Tanzania. While here he made a donation to the YC Lee Memorial Scholarship and the Eugene Derenyi Scholarship and met with Dr. Peter Dare to discuss future collaboration between UNB and UCLAS.
Andrew Muir
Added 2018-July-26
Andrew recently retired from the Royal Canadian Navy after 32 years of service. He is now the Superintendent for the Department of National Defence Hydrographic Services Offices in both Halifax, NS and Victoria, BC. He lives in Victoria and can be reached at
Canny Mulaku
Added 2003-February-21
Canny contacted John McLaughlin recently with an update on his whereabouts. During the week of 10 February 2003, Canny was elected Dean of the Faculty of Engineering at the University of Nairobi. We send Canny our sincere congratulations on his election. He can be reached at:
Department of Surveying
Faculty of Engineering
University of Nairobi
P.O. Box 30197
Nairobi, KENYA
Updated 2014-October-28: Canny has become a full professor.
Hayden Nanton
Added 1999-April-1
Hayden Nanton is at the following location:
Vice President and Chief Surveyor
Capital Signal Company Limited
Operations Division, Port Tembladora
Western Main Road
Trinidad & Tobago, West Indies
Phone: 868-634-2725
Fax: 868-634-2108
Inge Nesbø
Added 2000-September-29
Another voice from the past, Inge has recently been in contact with us. His CV describes him as a senior engineer at O. Johnsrud kartkonstruksjon.AS in Norway. Inge can be reached at
Laurie Newton
Added 2000-September-29
Living in Terrey Hills, New South Wales, Australia, Laurie Newton will be coming to Canada in June 2001 for the Department's reunion. In the meantime, he can be reached at
Sam Macharia Ng'ang'a
Added 2009-June-16
Sam ( is currently the Acting Manager for Pacific & Arctic Desks, Oceans Directorate, Fisheries and Oceans Canada. He is the liaison between Regional Oceans Operations Programs and National Headquarters in Ottawa and is involved in providing strategic operational and policy advice to Pacific & Arctic Region Oceans programs. Sam is also involved in the ad-hoc Interdepartmental Marine Cadastre Taskforce.
Ngozi Ngolayefa
Added 2008-November-6
Ngozi is the Rector of the Federal School of Surveying in Oyo, Nigeria. The School is celebrating its100th Anniversary this year. The school was founded in 1908 to train African survey assistants for the colonial surveyors. Today they graduate technicians, technologists and professional surveyors.
Huong Nguyen
Added 2002-August-2
Huong contacted Richard Langley in June 2002 with an update of her situation. Huong has been with Focus in Edmonton, Alberta, for a little over a year. She is with a group called Advanced Technologies, which provides mapping, GIS software development and consultation, special projects like Lidar mapping, precision surveying, three-dimensional laser scanning and RTK, static and differential GPS surveys. A lot of what she does has a GPS component. Currently she is working to integrate and establish a high precision network for a small municipality and a dam monitoring project in Brazeau, Alberta. She is enjoying her life and work, especially the mountains, Banff, and Jasper. Huong can be reached at
We wish her every success in her career.
Graham Nickerson
Added 2006-August-3
Graham ( is manager of customer support and service for Interactive Visualization Systems (IVS) ( in Fredericton, NB.
Julie Norton
Updated 2003-April-25
Julie sent her latest coordinates. Julie was married in December 2002 thus changing her name from Norton to McKay (our congratulations, Julie). Service New Brunswick is her employer where she is a project manager. Julie can be reached by phone at 506-457-4856, by e-mail at, and by mail at
Service New Brunswick
P.O. Box 1998
Fredericton, NB E3B 5G4
Mary Ogilvie
Added 2006-August-3
Mary ( is past Vice President of Development for Service New Brunswick and currently Vice President, Atlantic Canada of the Canadian Council on Africa (
Karim Owolabi
Added 1996-April-29
We were pleased to hear of the appointment of our former graduate student, Dr. Karim Owolabi, to the position Surveyor General of Namibia, effective 30 November 1995. Dr. Owolabi received his Ph.D. in 1989 from the Department. His dissertation was on the simultaneous distributional and model robustness in photogrammetric bundle block adjustment, under the supervision of Dr. Wolfgang Faig.
Dr. Owolabi came to UNB in the fall of 1984 as a Commonwealth Scholar from Nigeria and held his Canadian Commonwealth Scholarship until May 1989. Owolabi obtained an M.Sc. in surveying in 1982 from the University of Lagos. He had already completed a Postgraduate Diploma in Surveying in 1979 subsequent to obtaining a first class B.Sc. degree in statistics from the University of Nigeria in Nsukka.
Upon completion of his Ph.D. degree at UNB, Owolabi returned to Nigeria to assume the post of Assistant Lecturer at the University of Lagos.
We wish Dr. Owolabi great success in his current endeavours.
Spiros Pagiatakis
Updated 2001-February-15
Our congratulations go out to Spiros. On 7 February 2001, Irwin Itzkovitch, Assistant Deputy Minister, Earth Sciences Sector, announced that Dr. Pagiatakis would become Acting Director of the Geodetic Survey Division of Geomatics Canada, effective 12 February 2001. A permanent director is being sought. We know that Spiros will do a fabulous job in the interim.
Updated 2010-January-8: Spiros is now an Associate Professor of Space Science at York University and can be reached at .
Dave Palmer
Added 1998-November-6
Dave Palmer and Sue Nichols take in the panoramic view from the top of the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) building in Rome, Italy. Dave has joined the Land Tenure Service at FAO and is in charge of land registration activities. He and his wife, Barbara, have moved from Gainsville, U.S.A., where Dave had completed his Ph.D. and was working as a consultant in South America and Africa. Sue is a visiting expert advisor to the Land Tenure Service while on sabbatical between July 1998 and June 1999. Both Dave and Sue welcome anyone passing through to visit them at FAO. Their e-mail addresses are and
Click on the thumbnail image to fetch the full-sized version, 30 KB. (Photo: Sue Nichols, August 1998).
Kevin Pegler
Added 2006-June-7
Kevin has accepted a position as Geomatics Officer with 3 Area Support Group, Engineer Branch, at CFB Gagetown.
Lorne Pelton
Added 2018-June-20
Lorne (1928-2018) was born and raised in Montreal. He graduated from UNB in 1949 with a Bachelor’s degree in Forestry, and with experience in forestry as a summer student. In May of 1949, he joined the Topographical Survey Division of the federal Surveys and Mapping Branch, Ottawa. His field surveying experience included mapping surveys through the 1950s, mainly in western Canada and the Yukon, some of these on survey parties using horses, before helicopters replaced this mode of travel. In 1960 Lorne received his commission as a Dominion Land Surveyor. He returned to UNB in the Fall of that year, graduating with a Bachelor’s degree in Surveying Engineering in 1962, (the first class to graduate under the new program). He returned to Topo, and from 1962 to 1966 led survey parties establishing municipal co-ordinate control networks in the Toronto-Hamilton area. From 1968 to 1978 he served as an external aid consultant with other members of the Branch representing the Canadian government, on mapping projects in Africa, Jamaica, and Pakistan, done under the Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA). In 1979, Lorne became Chief of Data Services Section of Geodetic Survey Division, from where he retired in 1984.
Cyril Penton
Added 2000-September-29
Cyril resides in Summerside, Prince Edward Island, and can be contacted at
Constance (Pike) Hanrahan
Added 2004-June-24
An e-mail from Constance on 10 June gave us an update on her whereabouts. Connie is currently employed as a geomatics instructor at the Northern Alberta Institute of Technology in Edmonton, Alberta. We wish her well in her career. She can be reached as follows: Phone: 780-471-7083, Fax: 780-471-7088, e-mail:
Greg Pilgrim
Added 1999-August-19
"I am still living in Houston, Texas, where I took a job working with John E. Chance & Associates in the Gulf of Mexico 'oil patch' after graduation. We are a member of the Fugro group of companies, and we have just opened offices in Nova Scotia and Newfoundland. The job mostly entails deep water acoustic positioning for the construction business in the Gulf of Mexico. We have a home page that future graduates are welcome to visit and we look forward to hearing from them."
Greg can be reached by
Phone: 713-773-5610
Fax: 713-773-5698
Michael Pinch
Updated 2018-February-13
Mike came from Fort Erie, Ontario, and studied three years in forestry at UNB before going into the then 2-year Surveying Engineering program. Upon graduation in 1966, he joined the field section of Topographical Survey Division in the federal Dept. of Mines and Technical Surveys. His field survey work included municipal control surveys, mapping control in the Yukon, and Aerodist trilateration in the western provinces and Northwest Territories. In 1968 a reorganization moved him to Geodetic Survey Division, where he worked on Canadian participation in the North American Datum 1983 (NAD83) Project, as Head, New Datum and Adjustments. Mike enjoyed contacts with many colleagues across Canada and from other countries working mainly with colleagues in U.S. National Geodetic Survey, and Canadian provincial survey agencies. After retiring in 1995, as Assistant Director, Geodetic Survey, he was editor of Geomatica, for several years. He lives in Ottawa.
Caleb Porter
Added 2006-May-11
Caleb is living in Antigonish, Nova Scotia and is currently working on his Doctor of Dental Surgery at Dalhousie University in Halifax, Nova Scotia. He can be reached at
Mele Rakai
Updated 2006-September-7
Mele ( is a Senior Lecturer in the Department of Land Management and Development at the University of the South Pacific in Fiji.
Leanne (James) Ramsaran
Added 1998-April-2
Leanne ( is working as a coordinator in a legal firm in Calgary, called Caltech Surveys Ltd.
Ronald Ramsaran
Added 1998-April-2
Ronald ( says he is still trying to figure out how to spell engineering. While pursuing this elusive goal, he is working for Position Inc. as an applications engineer which involves testing, marketing, and customer support.
Trevor Rankin
Added 2002-August-1
Updated 2014-January-17: We've been informed that Trevor has passed away. Details can be found here.

Sarath Rathnasooriya
Added 2000-September-29
Sarath is living and working in Nepean, Ontario, and can be contacted at
Regan Reshke
Added 2000-September-29
Regan is currently a lecturer in civil engineering at the Royal Military College of Canada, Kingston, Ontario. He can be reached at, or telephone 613-541-6000 ext. 6389.
Brett Richardson
Added 2009-April-20
We've recently heard from Brett who is working for UTEC Survey out of Houston, Texas. "Things are going very well with UTEC. I think there are at least 7 recent graduates from UNB working with the company right now and I believe a few more are being hired upon graduation this year. Its a bit of change once you graduate and are working in the real world. Having said that I know that I feel I am in the right place. The management staff is really taking notice to the work of the "Canadian Employees" and feel that we can handle more and more responsibility.
"The work itself is very demanding in terms of production in a timely manner. Working in the offshore industry, time is money, so we are all learning to act quickly in a way that does not disrupt the quality of our work.
"In terms of the actual work, we're doing a number of different survey operations. Recently there has been a lot of development in the Gulf of Mexico and we're involved doing the As-built surveys of pipelines, umbilicals, and associated sea floor assets.
"Metrology has also been a big part of our work scope lately, and is very interesting. The metrology involves high accuracy relative measurements on the sea floor. The measurements are used to fabricate "Jumpers" which are used to connect various structures on the seafloor.
"The company is continuing to grow. Starting with only a select few in 2006, there are now close to 200 personnel globally. We have offices around the world as well. The job offers tremendous opportunities for travel, and a chance to be a part of some very large budget construction operations."
Sandy Ross
Added 2003-November-27
This notice is awfully late, so mea culpa. Sandy and family were in Fredericton over the summer. Sandy is with McElhanney Associates in Fort St. John, B.C. He has worked for McElhanney for the past 5 years (since graduation). He can be reached at
Rock Santerre
Added 2008-May-22
Dr. Rock Santerre is a full professor in the Department of Geomatics Sciences at Université Laval since June 1999. You can contact Rock at or see his web page at
Kutalmis Saylam
Added 2009-April-7
Kutalmis is currently working with the Integrated Land Management Bureau of GeoBC in British Columbia.
Ed Scovill
Added 2000-September-29
A voice from the past, Ed, who retired in 2000 from teaching at the Southern Alberta Institute of Technology in Calgary, can be reached at
Jason Silliker
Added 2007-July-3
Jason is a field engineer with Natural Resources Canada and was recently on campus setting up one of Canada's absolute gravity sites. He can be reached at
Enrique Silva
Added 2006-August-3
Enrique ( is a senior officer with the Chilean Navy.
Ed Smith
Added 2006-August-3
Ed ( is President of Geoplan Opus Consultants Inc. ( in Fredericton, NB.
Purdy Smith
Added 1998-October-29
Purdy Smith dropped by the office in October 1998. He is working in Calgary, with Fulton & Associates. He can be reached by e-mail, by phone at the office at 403-571-0190, by fax at 403-571-0193, and by phone at home at 403-283-6742.
Katherine Sonier
Added 2018-August-8
Kate has become an Ontario Land Surveyor.
Timothy Steeves
Added 1998-April-2
Timothy is working for Challenger Surveys in Calgary, Alberta.
Daniel Steudler
Updated 2000-December-19
Daniel visited Theresa (staff, retired) and Peter Pearce in early October 2000. The Pearces and Daniel entertained Sue Nichols one evening. Daniel drove up from Washington where he was visiting the World Bank in relation to the research being done for the Ph.D. degree he is undertaking at the University of Melbourne, Australia.
Updated 2009-April-15: Daniel is currently working for the Government of Switzerland after completing his Ph.D. at the University of Melbourne, and can be reached at
Click on the thumbnail image to fetch the full-sized version, 27 KB.
Peter Stewart
Added 2002-August-7
Peter checked in with Richard Langley on 22 March 2002. Peter is with Applanix, which is headquartered in Richmond Hill, Ontario. He is currently in their Houston, Texas, office providing marine customer support. Peter can be reached at
John Streicker
Added 2006-September-12
John's role is to coordinate and manage the day-to-day operations of the Northern Climate Exchange and its associated programs -- the northern offices of the Climate Change Impacts and Adaptation Research Network (C-CIARN), and the Yukon Hub of the National Public Education and Outreach Network.
For the past 10 years John has been working around the world as a surveyor/geomatics engineer. His work has been diverse: infrastructure management & GIS in the Caribbean, geophysical research in Africa, deep sea salvage operations, First Nations land claim surveys here in the north. Midway through this experience, John had the opportunity to work in the Yukon, and ever since he has made it his home.
John's educational background is in science and engineering. He obtained a Bachelor of Science degree from the University of Saskatchewan in computer science and geography. He carried out graduate work in geodynamics and has a Masters of Science in Engineering from the University of New Brunswick with the Department of Geodesy and Geomatics Engineering. John also lectured for two years in the Department of Surveying & Land Information, University of the West Indies. He is a member of the Association of Professional Engineers of the Yukon.
In his free time John likes to dance, fly kites and play trombone.
Source: Northern Climate Exchange -- About Us
Updated 2011-December-5: John has been elected as the first President of the Green Party of Canada. Already active in the party, he had been chairing its federal council for the past year and he placed second highest (after leader Elizabeth May) in the 2011 federal election as the Yukon candidate for the party. He is also member of the Green Party's cabinet as the advocate for Arctic and Northern Affairs.
Nicholas Stuifbergen
Added 2012-November-21
Nicholas Stuifbergen passed away peacefully November 15, 2012 at Dartmouth General Hospital. Details.
Ashoki Sujanani
Added 2004-November-1
Ashoki was married in July 2004 in Toronto, Ontario. Dave Carney and his wife, Ruth, attended the wedding and sent some photos to tell the tale. For the past 10 years or so, "Shoki" has been working in the Middle East. Among other guests at the wedding were Dr. John and Maggie McLaughlin and Ken C. Foley (B.Sc.E. 1977) and Dr. Demetrios Delikaraoglou (Ph.D. 1980), currently on the faculty at the National Technical University of Athens.
Click on the thumbnail image to look at pictures taken during the celebration, 164 KB.
Updated 2012-November-21: It is with great sadness that we announce the passing of Ashoki. Details.
Michael Sutherland
Added 2006-August-3
Michael is currently a research fellow at the School of Management, University of Ottawa, Ontario. His research is on the use of GIS and spatial data to determine cumulative effects of interacting marine components in support of multi-criteria decision analysis when evaluating marine sites of interest.
Updated 2008-November-28: Michael is currently a lecturer, and Programme Coordinator of the Land Management undergraduate programme at the University of the West Indies, St. Augustine, Trinidad and Tobago. He is a Vice-Chair, and Chair-Elect of the International Federation of Surveyor's Commission 4 (i.e. hydrography, coastal zone management, ocean governance, and administering marine spaces).
Rosa Tatasciore
Added 2006-August-3
Rosa is currently working for Stats Canada in Ottawa.
Dave Taylor
Added 2002-December-5
Dave sent a recent photo of his gospel band, Vision. The band is based in The Bahamas and has won much local recognition and acclaim including Bahamian Gospel Music Marlin Awards for Outstanding New Artist, Outstanding Duo/Group, and Outstanding Song of the Year, among others. In 2001 the band released their first album "We are Family." Dave and the band have toured extensively throughout The Bahamas and the United States, and in 2002 toured parts of Europe, and performed in Tennessee in May 2002. We wish him luck in his future endeavours. Dave can be reached at
Khagendra Thapa
Added 1996-October-4
Khagendra Thapa has received the Michigan Association of Governing Boards' Distinguished Faculty Award for 1996. Thapa, currently a surveying engineering professor at Ferris State University, Big Rapids, Michigan, arrived at UNB in 1978 and graduated from the Department in 1980 with an M.Sc.E. His thesis, Strain as a Diagnostic Tool to Identify Inconsistent Observations and Constraints in Horizontal Geodetic Networks, was supervised by Dr. Petr Vaníček. Subsequently, Thapa obtained his Ph.D. from Ohio State University. We send him our hearty congratulations.
Updated 2009-February-19: Dr. Khagendra Thapa has been named the 2008 Distinguished Teacher at Ferris State University in Michigan. Dr. Thapa holds degrees from four countries including Nepal, Canada, England, and the United States. He was also recently recognized by the Michigan Society of Professional Engineers with the Ralph Berry Moore Education Award and by the U.S. Department of Labor with a Certificate of Appreciation for his contributions to the National Occupational Information Network Data Collection program.
Jason Thistle
Updated 2005-February-7
Jason was in the department on January 13, 2005. He is now with Fugro SESL Geomatics Ltd. in Calgary, Alberta. After a short presentation to students, he conducted interviews for summer and full time positions.
Adam Thompson
Added 2000-September-15
Adam has chosen Africa as home for the next six months to a year. In August 2000, he was on Baffin Island doing some RTK work on the old DEW (Distant Early Warning) line and being compensated by the awesome scenery. In Africa he will be part of a team of economists, geomaticians, and GIS experts set up to establish a consistent system of compensation for lands expropriated for a pipeline. On the same team with Adam are other UNB graduates Luc Dumas and Erik Holmlund.
Christy Thompson
Added 1998-April-2
Christy is working for Challenger Surveys in Calgary, Alberta.
David Thomson
Added 1998-April-2
David is general managing Challenger Surveys in Calgary, Alberta.
Adrian Tout
Updated 1999-October-14
Adrian Tout reports that he is now working in Sydney, Australia, for a new company called Pacific Access. According to their web site, Pacific Access is "responsible for the production of primary sources of contact and buying information in Australia." Adrian is their senior account manager for New South Wales and Queensland. Based in Sydney, Adrian began work on 18 October 1999. He can be reached at We wish Adrian all the best in the future.
Kyriakos Tsolakis
Added 1997-January
Kyriakos Tsolakis with his wife Elizabeth are shown here at just one of the many sites of ancient civilizations near Limassol, Cyprus, that were visited by Sue Nichols in January 1997. Tsolakis is a lawyer with the Cyprus Department of Lands and Surveys and is responsible for legal matters involving decisions on what value should be used to compensate land holders when these sites are acquired by the state.
Since the 1880s, British and Cypriot governments have passed laws to protect potential archeological sites, some of which date back to the eighth century BC. Whereas most lands were traditionally used for agriculture, today some of these sites have great economic potential for urban and tourism development. Some of the questions that have been argued in the courts and that Tsolakis describes in a report are:
- Should the value of the land be based on its use when the sites were declared antiquities, the current market value, or the value of adjacent unprotected (and often developed) lands?
- Should the value be tied to the date when the sites were declared protected areas or to the date of acquisition which might be decades later?
Click on the thumbnail image to fetch the full-sized version, 14 KB. (Photo: Sue Nichols, January 1997)
Landon Urquhart
Added 2008-November-28
Landon is currently working on his M.Sc.E. under the supervision of Dr. Marcelo Santos.
Robert van de Poll
Updated 2012-March-30
Rob received his B.Sc. (Earth Sciences '91), M.Sc.E (Geodesy & Geomatics '02). Rob has +10yrs practical experience working as a field geologist (for both Government & Industry).
While at CARIS (15yrs ~ 1991 to 2006), initially he headed up all Global Geological CARIS GIS applications, and for the remaining 8 years, he was the Manager for a product "CARIS LOTS (Law of the Sea software)" that he created and developed for the United Nations.
In 2006, Rob joined Fugro Group Worldwide (FNV) to head up all global operations as International Manager Law of the Sea. To date, Rob has worked on Law of the Sea applications in over 123 Coastal States of the 155 Coastal States of the World. This involves every aspect of Law of the Sea applications, working with and advising directly to Governments (Ministers Levels), and Industry (Senior Management for Oil & Gas Corporations etc.).
Rob was promoted in 2010 to Fugro Global Head Offices (Leidschendam, Netherlands) and reports directly to the Fugro COO, as Rob's Global Territory now covers all 155 (Coastal) Countries in the World for all aspects of Law of the Sea.
Vern Vogt
Added 2009-April-7
Vern is currently working with the Integrated Land Management Bureau of GeoBC in British Columbia.
Justin Walford
Added 2013-August-08
Justin recently caught up with Richard and Attila in the old city of Bath, England, for good beer, fish and chips and fine banter; a great time!
Last February Justin returned with his family to England to take on a new role in Industrial Metrology. He joins Renishaw near Bath in their Machine Tool Products Division as a Senior Product Marketing Engineer for high-end on-machine contact probing and scanning systems.
Previously he spent the last eleven years working for Leica Geosystems in Switzerland as a Senior Product Manager for the GNSS Reference Stations and Networks Division, responsible for all GNSS Reference Station hardware including the GR25/GR10/GRX1200 receivers and AR25/AR20/AR10 geodetic antennas.
Justin can be reached on
Click on the thumbnail image to get a better look.
Stephen Wallace
Added 2003-October-16
Stephen is the Managing Partner in the Bedford office of Terrain Group Inc. and he can be reached at
Wayne Walsh
Added 2006-August-3
Wayne is an engineer with Geographic Information Systems/Transportation at Service New Brunswick.
Michelle Weirathmueller
Added 2008-September-24
Michelle has successfully completed the requirements for her Master's Degree from the Center for Coastal and Ocean Mapping Joint Hydrographic Center, University of New Hampshire. The title of her thesis is "Acoustic Ranging in a Dynamic, Multipath Environment."
John West
Added 1998-April-2
John is working in a legal firm in Calgary, called Caltech Surveys Ltd.
Jamie Wheaton
Updated 1999-October-21
Jamie is living the high life in Colorado, working for Datria Systems Inc., in Englewood. He lives only 15 minutes from where he works. He can be reached by e-mail, by phone at 303-645-9326, or by fax at 303-645-9301. We wish him well in his endeavours.
Mark Whynot
Added 1999-June-27
Mark recently sent us an update to his news. He is now married, he recently purchased a house, and is "waiting for the day when that student loan is paid off." He spent three years working in Louisiana for SIGMA Engineering, then returned to Nova Scotia where he became a Nova Scotia Land Surveyor and is now working on his P.Eng. He has started his own business designing on-site septic systems. He can be reached by phone at 902-354-2891, by fax at 902-354-2431, and by e-mail.
Thomas Widmer
Updated 2002-August-1
Thomas is working at INPHO GmbH, a photogrammetric company in Stuttgart, Germany. He and his wife, Danielle, live within walking distance of the University (where Danielle is studying linguistics), INPHO, and the rail station. He would welcome a visit from anyone who might be in the area. Thomas can be reached at
Rick Wilkins
Added 2006-August-3
Rick is a geodetic engineer with the Canadian Centre for Geodetic Engineering ( at the University of New Brunswick and currently working part time towards his Ph.D.
Mike Williams
Added 2019-June-17
Mike is on the board of directors of Professional Surveyors Canada.
Marta Wojnarowska
Added 2006-August-3
Marta ( is currently a Geomatics Project Manager Coordinator at GeoArctic ( in Calgary, Alberta.
Dave Woolnough
Updated 2009-December-2
Dave was recently named an adjunct professor in the Department for a three-year term. David is currently Principal of the College of Geographic Sciences in Lawrencetown, Nova Scotia.
Update: Dave has retired and can now be reached by e-mail.
Rostam Yazdani
Added 2009-April-7
Rostam is currently working with the Integrated Land Management Bureau of GeoBC in British Columbia.
Andrew Yorke
Added 2004-June-28
It is with deep regret and sadness that we inform you of the passing of Andrew Yorke. A number of his friends (Lori Mofford (, Parker Minard (, Jennifer King (, Anita Spence ( and James Webster ( have been in touch and Lori Mofford has forwarded Andrew's obituary that appeared in The Halifax Herald on 25 June. The condolences of the Dean of Engineering and the Department's faculty, staff, and students go out to his family and friends.
Peter Zwart
Added 2001-January-22
Peter was recently named an adjunct professor in the Department for a three-year term. Peter is Principal with PRZ & Associates Pty Ltd. and managing director, Spatial Insights Pty Ltd. in Australia.