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GGE News - 1998
- UNB Well Connected at Recent GSD Stakeholder Meeting
- OMG Helps Map Lake Tahoe in California
- UNB Geodesy and Geomatics Researchers Play Important Roles in New NCE Multimillion Dollar Research Award
- Sutherland for Pres
- Department Acquires Two New Professors Emeriti
- Komjathy Awarded Governor General's Gold Medal
- Retirement Revisited
- UNB Involved in Swissair Flight 111 Debris Search
- "Larry Mayer is a Man Who Parts Seas for a Living."
- University Research Ranking Results
- GGE Researchers Given Best Paper Award at ION GPS-98
- FAO Technical Seminar
- Edward Popiolek Visits Adam Chrzanowski
- President Parr-Johnston Visits Department
- ABLOS, GALOS Get-Together
- Dave Wells in Malaysia
- Checking Out the Cadastral Atlas in Mozambique
- Sunil Bisnath 1998 GAC Scholarship Winner
- Peter and Paul Become Langley Disciples
- David Wells and Adam Chrzanowski Retire
- Engineering and Mining Surveys Group in Pakistan
- The Globe and Mail Features Mayer
- Mayer Wins 1998 Keen Medal
- Angus Hamilton Lecture Series Brings Astronaut Julie Payette to Fredericton
- CIG Fredericton Branch April 1998 Undergraduate Paper Competition
- Life on a Geocentric Datum. Geodesy: What is it and Why do we do it?
- Fourth Coastal Multibeam Sonar Training Course
- Canada Lands Survey System Meeting
- New Program Caters to Geomatics and Information Technology Markets
- Spectacular Finishes and New Beginnings
UNB Well Connected at Recent GSD Stakeholder Meeting

Click on the thumbnail image to get a better look at the participants and to discover the participants' links to UNB, 27 KB.
OMG Helps Map Lake Tahoe in California

UNB Geodesy and Geomatics Researchers Play Important Roles in New NCE Multimillion Dollar Research Award

In addition to playing an early role in the formation and design of the GEOIDE NCE, four members of the geodesy and geomatics engineering department are heavily involved in 8 of the 20 research projects included in the NCE's program. The four professors are Dr. Richard B. Langley, Dr. Petr Vaníček, Dr. David J. Coleman, and Dr. Michael Collins. Dr. Brad Nickerson (a B.Sc.E. and M.Sc.E. graduate from our department), with the Faculty of Computer Science, will be working with Dr. Coleman in one of the eight areas of research. The projects in which they are involved are:
- Natural Hazards and Disaster Monitoring (Langley and Vaníček).
- Improvement of Precise and Reliable Kinematic GPS Positioning in Real-time Over Long Distances for Bathymetric Surveys (Langley as team co-leader).
- Synergistic Use of Multi-sensor Remote Sensing for Monitoring of Earth's Surface and Atmosphere (Collins as team co-leader).
- Airborne Gravity for Exploration and Mapping (Langley).
- Integrated Decision Support System for Watershed and Coastal Zone Management (Coleman).
- Real-Time Mapping and Sensor Integration in Support of Geospatial Information Systems (Collins).
- Precise Geoid Determination for Geo-referencing and Oceanography (Vaníček).
- Designing the Technological Foundations of Geospatial Decision-Making Using the World Wide Web (Coleman and Nickerson).
The GEOIDE NCE is directed by Prof. Keith Thomson at Université Laval in Québec City. More detailed information concerning both GEOIDE and the NCE program may be found on their Web sites.
Read the associated UNB news release.
Click on the thumbnail image to get a look at the GGE members involved, 30 KB.
Sutherland for Pres

Department Acquires Two New Professors Emeriti

Read the associated UNB news release.
Click on the thumbnail image to look at some pictures taken before and during the ceremony, 265 KB.
Komjathy Awarded Governor General's Gold Medal

Click on the thumbnail image to look at some pictures taken during Attila's visit, 131 KB.
Retirement Revisited

Click on the thumbnail image to look at some pictures taken during the festivities, 232 KB.
UNB Involved in Swissair Flight 111 Debris Search

Update: the Swissair seabed search data are no longer restricted.(February 1999).
For our efforts, GGE received a letter and certificate of appreciation (March 1999).
"Larry Mayer is a Man Who Parts Seas for a Living."

Click on the thumbnail image to go to the Ocean Mapping Group's home page.
University Research Ranking Results

A ranking of one means that the department has indicated a major commitment to research and scholarship. This commitment is indicated through favourable external recognition involving such factors as an excellent record of adjudicated publications and presented papers, a high level of financial support in those disciplines where such support is appropriate and available, recognition of scholarly expertise through appointments of members to editorships, grant selection committees, and as journal referees, etc. Where a graduate program exists, the program is considered to be of high quality, productive, and attractive to students.
GGE Researchers Given Best Paper Award at ION GPS-98

Click on the thumbnail image to get a better look, 33 KB.
FAO Technical Seminar

Click on the thumbnail image to get a better look at some of the participants, 34 KB.
Edward Popiolek Visits Adam Chrzanowski

Click on the thumbnail image to get a better look, 21 KB.
President Parr-Johnston Visits Department

Click on the thumbnail image to get a better look at some of the people on hand for the occasion, 24 KB.
ABLOS, GALOS Get-Together

Read the associated story that appeared in the New Brunswick Telegraph Journal.
*IHO = International Hydrographic Organization; IAG = International Association of Geodesy; IOC = International Oceanographic Commission.
Click on the thumbnail image to get a look at some of the hard-working attendees, 37 KB.
Dave Wells in Malaysia
Surveying on the Equator

Two teams from the Hydrographic Cat B class competed to acquire the highest number and highest quality hydrographic data points within a 90 minute deadline. The team styling themselves as "Garfield Hydrographic Stn Bhd" won the competition by collecting 1178 depths, 75% of which were within less than 10 metres deviation from the planned survey lines. The second team, styling themselves "Team Hydro Malaysia", trailed close behind with 1036 depths, 65% of which were within 10 metres of the planned survey lines (this team also finished 10 minutes faster than did the winners). The DGPS system used for vessel track control was a Trimble DSM Pro tracking a marine beacon transitter in Singapore. This system provided WGS 84 coordinates clustered within about 50 cm, but offset by 3m from WGS 84 control point "Kastam" established in June jointly by the Malaysian and Singaporean governments: coordinates 1-22-13.6628N, 104-5-19.3820E. The GGE Department, Canadian Hydrographic Association, and Canadian Hydrographic Service have all supported the establishment of this Cat B course in Malaysia over the past decade. Dave Wells has been one of the instructors for the past three years.
Click on the thumbnail image to look at pictures Dave took during the survey, 222 KB.
Checking Out the Cadastral Atlas in Mozambique

Click on the thumbnail image to get a better look, 33 KB.
Sunil Bisnath 1998 GAC Scholarship Winner

Click on the thumbnail image to go to Sunil's personal page.
Peter and Paul Become Langley Disciples

Paul Collins, also recently raised to the rank of Research Assistant, graduated from the University of East London, England, in 1993 with a B.Sc. (Hons) degree in surveying and mapping sciences. He entered UNB's graduate school in 1994 and has been working on his M.Sc.E. degree in geodesy and precise navigation. Collins is investigating the effects of the troposphere on GPS positioning, with particular emphasis on WAAS, which aims to facilitate safe and reliable aircraft navigation using GPS.
The Langley-supervised work of both Stewart and Collins is being funded by Nav Canada, the recently formed not-for-profit corporation that has taken over air traffic control and navigation services from the federal government. NavCan is in partnership with the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) on the implementation of WAAS in the United States and Canada.
Click on the thumbnail image to get a better look at the pair (Paul is on the left; Peter on the right), 26 KB.
retire (ri tïr') v. -tired, -tiring. 1 give up an office, occupation, etc. 2 remove from an office, occupation, etc. 3 go away, especially to be quiet. 4 withdraw; draw back; send back. 5 go back; retreat.*

Although Adam has given up the teaching end of his career, he is still deeply involved in research and is supervising a tidy parcel of graduate students. David, however, will still be teaching his usual load of hydrography courses and supervising his graduate students. Wells took definition number 3 above literally and 2 days after retiring left for the United States, Japan, Singapore, Malaysia, and Australia. Now that's retirement!!
We wish them both well in this new phase of their lives, and are gratified to know that they will still be familiar faces in the corridors of the department.
Click on the thumbnail image to look at a couple of photos taken during a get-together to mark the occasion, 37 KB.
*Avis, W.S., P. D. Drysdale, R. J. Gregg, V. E. Neufeldt, and M. H. Scargill (1983). Gage Canadian Dictionary. Gage Educational Publishing Company, Toronto, p. 962.
Engineering and Mining Surveys Group in Pakistan

Click on the thumbnail image to look at some photos of the dam from various vantage points, 104 KB.
The Globe and Mail Features Mayer

As already mentioned in a previous item at this Web site, Mayer is the recipient of a large contract with the U.S. Geological Survey to map certain areas of the Pacific coast and the ocean around Hawaii. The technology, as developed by Mayer, John Hughes Clarke, and Colin Ware, was explained in detail in the article which then went on to cite several examples of how the technology is being put to good use.
The accompanying pictures show the skeleton of the ship, British Freedom, on the seafloor off Nova Scotia and a new view of the ocean floor in San Francisco Bay.
Our congratulations to Larry for the well deserved kudos reported by Mr. Judge.
Mayer Wins 1998 Keen Medal

At the annual meeting of the Geological Association of Canada (GAC), held in Quebec in May, Mayer was presented the medal by Kathryn Moran in recognition of his outstanding contribution to marine geosciences.
We add our congratulations to those of the GAC.
Click on the thumbnail image to get a better look at the medal, 38 KB.
Angus Hamilton Lecture Series Brings Astronaut Julie Payette to Fredericton

The Angus Hamilton Lecture Series was established by the Council of Maritime Premiers in honour of our former department chair and professor. The lecture series is organized by the Champlain Institute which in collaboration with the Canadian Institute of Geomatics and the University of New Brunswick, brought Payette to Fredericton.
An interesting sidelight to the noontime event was the encouraging turnout by the Canadian Association for Girls in Science. This organization numbers 152 public school girls in Fredericton, of which 104 attended Payette's presentation.
Click on the thumbnail image to view scenes from the event, 176 KB.
CIG Fredericton Branch April 1998 Undergraduate Paper Competition

The competition was judged by alumni Wayne Walsh (Branch Chairman) and Stephen Hartley as well as Adam Chrzanowski and Sue Nichols.
Click on the thumbnail image for more details, 18 KB. (Photo: James Secord, 2 April 1998)
Life on a Geocentric Datum.
Geodesy: What is it and Why do we do it?

On 23 March, Petr gave the 1998 C. Y. O'Connor lecture in the John Curtin Lecture Theatre on the university campus. He posed the question: Geodesy: What is it and why do we do it? This public lecture gave an overview of the history of geodesy, its current status, and what the future holds for this field.
Fourth Coastal Multibeam Sonar Training Course

Details are available for anyone interested in learning more about this course.
Click on the thumbnail image to look at course highlights, 191 KB.
Canada Lands Survey System Meeting

During the time the experts were in Fredericton, several came to the department to give guest lectures in the land administration area of our program. Mike O'Sullivan, Surveyor-General of Canada, Doug Culham, Deputy Survey-General of Canada, and Carl Freison, Underhill and Underhill of Whitehorse, Yukon, generously gave of their time to meet with our students.
Click on the thumbnail image to get a better look at some of the participants, 24 KB. (Photo: Sue Nichols, January 1998)
New Program Caters to Geomatics and Information Technology Markets

The concurrent degree program in computer science and geodesy and geomatics engineering will graduate students who combine an in-depth knowledge of computer science with expertise in satellite positioning, mapping, remote sensing and geographic information systems.
Graduates will receive two degrees - Bachelor of Computer Science and Bachelor of Science in Engineering - and be eligible for accreditation as an Information Systems Professional and registration as a Professional Engineer in Canada.
Offered jointly by the only Faculty of Computer Science in Canada and UNB's internationally recognized Department of Geodesy and Geomatics Engineering, the program is seeking applications from qualified individuals for the term beginning September 1998.
For additional information, read the UNB News Release and the program's WWW page.
Spectacular Finishes and New Beginnings

Click on the thumbnail image to get a better look at the party animals, 30 KB.