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GGE News - 1996
- CIG Fredericton Branch December 1996 Paper Competition
- Aquaculture Property Rights Research
- Geodetic Infrastructures in South America
- Retirement Party for Theresa Pearce
- UNB Co-Sponsors Geomatics Atlantic Conference
- WAAS Tropo Study Wrap-up Meeting at UNB
- Visiting Student Awarded Institute of Navigation Prize
- Personal GPS Receiver Applications in Search and Rescue
- Polish Order of Merit Goes to Adam Chrzanowski
- Sue Nichols in Mozambique
- Standards of Competence for Hydrographic Surveyors Meeting
- The Russians Are Coming, the Russians Are Coming!
- Vaníček 1996 Winner of J. Tuzo Wilson Medal
- 1996 B.Sc.E. Graduands
- Senior Paper Competition
- We're Number One!
- Woodstock High School Visits Department
- GPS for Geodesy
- High School Co-Op Student DevelopsWeb-Based UNB Class Locator
CIG Fredericton Branch December 1996 Paper Competition

Click on the thumbnail image for details, 31 KB.
Aquaculture Property Rights Research

Click on the thumbnail image to fetch the full-sized version, 79 KB.
Geodetic Infrastructures in South America

The third workshop, held from 30 October to 4 November in La Plata, brought together participants from the public and private geomatics sectors of Argentina and other Mercosur countries (Common Market of the South consisting of Argentina, Chile, Brazil, Paraguay, and Uruguay). It was organized by the Universidad Nacional de La Plata and the Consejo Profesional de Agrimensura de la Provincia de Buenos Aires. It was sponsored by Commission 5 of FIG; the Consejo Federal de Catastro of Argentina; the Instituto Geografico Militar of Argentina; and the Federación Argentina de Agrimensores. Funding was provided by the IDRC with additional funds coming from the two organizing institutions. The theme of the workshop was El futuro de las redes de Control Geodesico en Sudamerica y los Nuevos Conceptos para los Levantamientos Catastrales. Participants debated the future of geodetic control networks in the region, and the delivery of a geodetic infrastructure to the users. As a result of the workshop, the Federal Council of Cadastre of Argentina agreed to convene a national meeting of cadastral and geodetic managers in Buenos Aires during the first week of December. This meeting was held at the Instituto Geografico Militar, and endeavoured to define the profile of a new geodetic agency for the nation.
Invited resource persons included Roger Gaudet, New Brunswick Geographic Information Corporation; Norman Beck, Geodetic Survey of Canada; and Larry Hothem, United States Geological Survey. Yola Georgiadou of the Department and Eduardo Fernández Falcón, Ohio State University, designed and coordinated the workshop.
Click on the thumbnail image to look at a few pictures from the workshop, 116 KB.
Retirement Party for Theresa Pearce

Click on the thumbnail image to go to the party page.
UNB Co-Sponsors Geomatics Atlantic Conference

David Coleman was the chair of the program committee for this year's conference, and assisted the conference chair, Chris Robbins (New Brunswick Geographic Information Corporation), in the overall planning for the event. Keynote speakers in the morning sessions included Dr. Michael Shiffer from MIT, and Dr. Terry Keating from Lucerne Associates. Other key speakers in the morning plenary sessions included Jean Thie and Barry Costello from Geomatics International, Alex Miller of ESRI Canada, Arnold Hougham of PCI Inc., Jeff Cole of Blue Marble Inc., and David Coleman of UNB.
Around the Conference...
On 8 October, Eugene Derenyi, John McLaughlin, and David Coleman acted as invited speakers to a pre-Conference Workshop on Advances in GIS and GPS, organized by the Association of New Brunwick Land Surveyors and the Fredericton Branch of the Canadian Institute of Geomatics.On 9 October, Geomatics Atlantic and UNB hosted a special event introducing geodesy and geomatics to 30 hand-picked high school students invited from four high schools in southern New Brunswick (Harvey, Nackawic, Oromocto, and Woodstock). Organized by Marta Wojnarowska, speakers included David Coleman, Richard Langley, David Wells, and Eugene Derenyi from UNB, as well as Phillip Milo from the College of Geographic Sciences , Lawrencetown, N.S. Finally, on the first evening of the conference, the Ocean Mapping Group arranged a special tour of its facilities for delegates.
WAAS Tropo Study
Wrap-up Meeting at UNB

Click on the thumbnail image to fetch the full-sized version, 147 KB.
Visiting Student Awarded
Institute of Navigation Prize

Click on the thumbnail image to fetch the full-sized version, 145 KB.
Personal GPS Receiver
Applications in Search and Rescue

Click on the thumbnail image to fetch the full-sized version, 114 KB.
Polish Order of Merit Goes to Adam Chrzanowski

Click on the thumbnail image to fetch the full-sized version, 81 KB.
Sue Nichols in Mozambique

Nichols was asked to provide an evaluation of the SIDA program, mainly pertaining to how well the funding was being used, how efficient and effective the program was, and what impact there had been on customary family sector farmholders and on gender issues within the titling program. Nichols worked with an anthropologist, Dr. Clarissa Fowie, of the University of Natal, and a specialist in gender issues Mrs. Margaritta Mejais from Maputo. The group met with local and district planning people.
Click on the thumbnail image to fetch the full-sized version, 86 KB.
Standards of Competence for Hydrographic Surveyors Meeting

Submissions that were reviewed this year came from Hogere Zeevaartschool, Amsterdam; the Naval Academy of the Colombian Navy; the Argentinian Navy; the Tunisian Navy; and the Department of Geomatics at the University of Melbourne, Australia. The Board also considered a project to reorganize the Standards. Phase one of the project consisted of reviewing the "essentials" part of the Standards. This was done and necessary amendments to the Standards were made.
Taking a break in the Board's deliberations, the members visited the Department and participated in a practical demonstration of the EM-3000 multibeam equipment on board the CHS launch Petrel.
Click on the thumbnail image to fetch the full-sized version, 85 KB.
The Russians Are Coming, The Russians Are Coming!
UNB's Geomatics Expertise Attracts Russians

It was UNB's expertise in geomatics and the NBGIC's land database and registry system that enabled us to win the contract to train those involved in privatizing the land in how to run a land registry system. Between June and October 1996, about 60 Russian officials were given a customized series of lectures in the Department and hands-on experience at NBGIC. This exposure to our models and procedures will help them to formalize their own system.
Vaníček 1996 Winner of J. Tuzo Wilson Medal

Click on the thumbnail image to fetch the full-sized version, 155 KB.
1996 B.Sc.E. Graduands

The photo shows some of the students expecting to receive their diplomas at this year's encaenia. Left to right: Timothy Kier, Michel McLaughlin, Andrew Laidlaw, Paul Grant, James Lutes, Rupert Brooks, Christopher Nicholas, and Janice MacRitchie.
Graduands missing from this photo: Kevin Coombs, Christopher Parsons, Moses Shamu, and Greg Skelhorn. Both Coombs and Parsons competed the cadastral surveying option.
Click on the thumbnail image to fetch the full-sized version, 61 KB.
Senior Paper Competition

On 3 April 1996, the CIG Fredericton Branch heard presentations from the following students (left to right):
- · Chris Nicholas (from Maine)
- The Role of GPS and GIS in Intermodal Freight Transportation
- · Andrew Laidlaw (from Nova Scotia)
- The Role of the Private Citizen in the Property Assessment Process
- · James Lutes (from New Brunswick)
- Geometrical Analysis of Earth Deformation Using VLBI Data
- · Chris Korell (from Manitoba)
- Approaching the Next Millenium: Challenges and Issues Facing Land Surveying
Click on the thumbnail image to fetch the full-sized version, 73 KB.
We're Number One!

[UNB's] academic orientation is distinctly forward looking, with a solid liberal arts curriculum complemented by science, computer and engineering programs that are among the best in the country. ...New Brunswick's engineering strengths are further underscored by the achievements of its geodesy and geomatics department ... which is considered to be the best in North America. [Such a program] explains the university's enormous drawing power among international students... . The warm environment, coupled with academic excellence, are among the things that keep graduates singing the praises of the University of New Brunswick.
Woodstock High School Visits Department

The group received informal presentations from Dave Coleman (on geographic information systems); John Hughes Clarke (on geomatics and oceans); Yola Georgiadou (on department projects taking place in South America); and from Sue Nichols (on department projects in Eastern Europe). The students were then split into groups and visited the four laboratories in the department: Ocean Mapping, GIS and Photogrammetry, GPS, and Engineering Surveys.
The group photograph of students and their teacher, was taken outside the engineering building, Head Hall.
Click on the thumbnail image to fetch the full-sized version, 47 KB.
GPS for Geodesy

Click on the thumbnail image to fetch the full-sized version, 10 KB.
High School Co-Op Student Develops
Web-Based UNB Class Locator

During his co-op training, Craig completed a self-paced introductory course in geographic information systems (GIS) using the CARIS GIS software developed by Fredericton's Universal Systems Limited. Using a previously digitized and structured map of the UNB campus, Craig refined an application within CARIS which enabled him to highlight different buildings in response to specific requests.
Combining this training with an introduction to the Internet World Wide Web (WWW) - and a few days of "Internet surfing" practice - it was decided that Craig would tackle a project which combined aspects of both geographic information retrieval and the Web. In this project, Craig designed a WWW application that would give newcomers to UNB the ability to locate, in advance, the buildings in which specific classes were to be held. Two items of information were required: a series of softcopy map files Craig generated using the CARIS GIS, and the 1995 official course timetable dataset for UNB's Fredericton campus. Craig designed the type of inquiry system he wanted to create, developed batch processes and interactive methods to edit the input datasets, introduced himself to the art of Hypertext Markup Language (HTML) programming, and then developed the necessary HTML scripts and inquiry screens required to implement his design.
In engineering terms, what did Craig Wood do? Craig saw a problem that needed solving. He looked at different ways to solve the problem, decided on a suitable method, and then pulled together the tools, information, and procedures needed to do the job. He designed his Web page, tested it under different conditions, and modified it where he thought it could be improved. That's what engineering is all about.
We think that Craig Wood has done a pretty good job (especially for a Grade 12 student) and, through his work, hope he has also received a better idea of the design, technology integration, and testing aspects of geodesy and geomatics engineering.
During his stay at UNB, Craig received advice and assistance from Marta Wojnarowska and Dr. David Coleman, in the GGE department, and Rob Murray in Computing Services.
At the end of the project, UNB issued a press release which included the impressions of some of the people involved.
To find out more about the interesting field of geodesy and geomatics engineering, contact:
The Chair
Department of Geodesy and Geomatics Engineering
Room E-54 Head Hall
University of New Brunswick
P.O. Box 4400
Fredericton, N.B.
Canada E3B 5A3
Phone: 506-453-4698 E-mail
Click on the thumbnail image to fetch the full-sized version, 57 KB.