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GGE News - 2019
- GGE Researchers Receive Remote Sensing Imagery Patent
- GGE Grad is a Coordinating Lead Author for the Recent IPCC Report
- GGE Grad Student Wins Award at Satellite Navigation Conference
- Annual Engineering Design Symposium
GGE Researchers Receive Remote Sensing Imagery Patent
Faculty members Dr. Shabnam Jabari and Dr. Yun Zhang of the Department of Geodesy and Geomatics Engineering on the University of New Brunswick Fredericton Campus have received the official copy of their U.S. patent on a “Method and system of coregistration of remote sensing images,” patent number 10325370. This is Dr. Jabari’s first patent, which was developed from her Ph.D. studies supervised by Dr. Zhang.
As stated in the patent, "Certain embodiments of the present disclosure relate to a computer-implemented method and system which include patch-wise coregistration ... for change detection using remote sensing images which can be taken from satellites, aircraft, UAV[s] and other platforms, where the images can be nadir or off-nadir ... and can be acquired from the same or different view-angles. The remote sensing images can be bi-temporal or multi-temporal. [Very high resolution] satellite images can be used."
The technique has many application including, for example, map updating and hazard assessment by municipalities and local governments.
A local start-up company, 3D Planeta, is interested in the technology and is working towards the commercialization of this patent.
Click on the thumbnail to get a better look.

GGE Grad is a Coordinating Lead Author for the Recent IPCC Report
Dr. Michael Sutherland, a University of New Brunswick alumnus who received his Ph.D. in 2005, played a major role in the production of the recent report from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). Dr. Sutherland started his research on the coastal impacts of sea level rise in 2003 as a graduate student in the Department of Geodesy and Geomatics Engineering working with Dr. Susan Nichols, now professor emerita. He worked on a federally funded study of the NB coast as well as on climate change research impacting PEI, Nova Scotia, and the Caribbean. Dr. Sutherland is currently the head of the Department of Geomatics Engineering and Land Management at the University of the West Indies in Trinidad from where he was invited to work with the IPCC.
The recent IPCC Special Report on the Ocean and Cryosphere in a Changing Climate addresses the scientific basis and impacts of climate change on the oceans, coastal regions, polar regions, mountain ecosystems, and human communities. On 4 September 2019, 195 IPCC member governments approved the report at meetings in Monaco. Media coverage in Canada has focussed on the potential impacts of climate change, especially sea level rise on the coasts and the warming of the Arctic.
This report is based on the most current climate-related scientific knowledge assessed by 140 scientists from more than 30 countries. They acted as coordinating lead authors, lead authors, contributing authors, review editors, and chapter scientists. Dr. Sutherland was one of the two co-ordinating lead authors for Chapter 6 of the report (“Extremes, Abrupt Changes, and Managing Risks”) and one of the drafting authors of the “Summary for Policy Makers.”
GGE is proud of Dr. Sutherland’s contribution not only as an alumnus but also as an adjunct professor in the department, a position he has held since 2012.
Click on the thumbnail to get a better look.

GGE Grad Student Wins Award at Satellite Navigation Conference
A UNB Geodesy and Geomatics Engineering graduate student distinguished himself at The Institute of Navigation's Global Navigation Satellite Systems Plus 2019 meeting held in Miami, Florida, this past week.
Ivan Smolyakov, a Ph.D. student working with Prof. Richard Langley, received a best presentation award for his paper entitled “Resilient Multipath Prediction and Detection Architecture for Low-cost Navigation in Challenging Urban Areas.” Besides Prof. Langley, the paper was co-authored by GGE postdoctoral fellow Mohammad Rezaee.
Navigating in big cities with GPS and other global navigation satellite systems (GNSS) can be difficult as the signals from the satellites can be frequently blocked by buildings or reflected off them causing interference –– a phenomenon called multipath. Mr. Smolyakov's work is helping to alleviate this problem allowing vehicles, even those with relatively inexpensive GNSS receivers, to accurately navigate concrete canyons.
The ION GNSS+ meeting, which is held every year, is the world's preeminent gathering of researchers and manufacturers working in the field of satellite navigation. Over 300 papers in several parallel sessions were presented over three days to the more than 1000 GNSS engineers and scientists from industry, academia, and government agencies in attendance.
Click on the thumbnail to get a better look.

Annual Engineering Design Symposium
On 4 April 2019, the University of New Brunswick’s annual Engineering Design Symposium took place. This symposium is the culmination of two terms of work for undergraduate Engineering students in their capstone design course typically taken in the last year of their studies. Held at the Fredericton Convention Centre, the symposium featured eleven presentations by teams of Geodesy and Geomatics Engineering (GGE) students. They were made to a large audience, in a room where there was standing room only. All the other Engineering disciplines were present too. In addition, the students developed posters for visitors to read during refreshment breaks.
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