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GGE News - 2002
- Monahan Involved in Law of the Sea
- Coleman Attends CFI Book Launch
- Retreat 2002
- Celebrating Geography Awareness Week and Geomatics Day, November 2002
- You've Never Seen Fredericton Like This Before!
- The Five Daves - Together at Last!
- Multi-Media Lab and Demonstration Room Opens
- GGE Featured Prominently in President's Installation Report
- Costa Rica Delegation Visits GGE
- Adam Chrzanowski Awarded Degree of Doctor Honoris Causa
- UNB Signs Licensing Agreement with PCI Geomatics
- Hydrographer in Residence Defends Thesis
- Two GGE Students' Projects Selected for PCI Geomatics Image Gallery
- Record Jump in Number of New GGE Students
- Welcome Back Students!
- UNB GGE Image Featured on Front Cover of GIM International
- Congratulations to Geomatics Atlantic Scholarship Winner Julie Baglole
- State of the Art GPS Guidance Software Developed at UNBF
- Centre for Property Studies Course in Costa Rica
- A Day on the Heron
- Hat Changes
- Peter Dare Recipient of Canada Foundation for Innovation Funding
- McElhanney Creates New Undergraduate Scholarship for Cadastral Studies
- New Agreement Signed
- Future Directions in Geomatics
- GGE 2013 Practicum II - 2002
- GGE Well Represented at FIG/ACSM/ASPRS Congress
- NSERC Post-Graduate Scholarship Winners
- First Annual Student Technical Conference Held
- Canadian Centre for Geodetic Engineering Opens
- President-Designate Visits Department
- GGE's John McLaughlin Nominated by UNB Senates, Board as Next President
- Boipuso Nkwae Winner of Guma Fellowship
- Sutherland Goes National
- GGE's Sam Ng'ang'a Wins $5000 Alberta Land Surveyors' Association Scholarship
Monahan Involved in Law of the Sea

Dave Monahan, the Department's Hydrographer in Residence and head of Canada's ocean mapping program, has helped to establish UNB as a crucial source of expertise in the delineation of the legal continental shelf essential to establishing which coastal states will have jurisdiction over valuable seabed resources. It is difficult to predict what the results of UNB's role will be 10 years from now, but we do know that the Department and the University are already playing a critical role in one element of the Law of the Sea - a controversial marine geology project potentially worth trillions of dollars in untapped resources. Dave was quoted in the 6 December issue of Science magazine: "UNB has such a wide breadth of knowledge on this subject and is in the forefront of this issue. If you haven't taken a multi-beam sonar course from UNB, you're not in the game."
The Science article triggered a number of media reports about Canada's plans with regard to the Law of the Sea including interviews on radio and television and articles in the national and international press.

Coleman Attends CFI Book Launch

Among the many valuable partners who contribute to the success of the CFI's programs and goals are Canada's granting councils and the individual researchers they fund. Too often we fail to recognize those who have demonstrated a commitment to advancing innovation in Canada. We should reserve our greatest appreciation and admiration for our nation's researchers.Click on the thumbnail image to view the press release (a 40 KB PDF document).
Retreat 2002

Click on the thumbnail image to get a better look at the participants, 30 KB.
Celebrating Geography Awareness Week and Geomatics Day, November 2002
Geography Awareness Week

As part of Geography Awareness Week, volunteers from UNB (Department of Geodesy and Geomatics Engineering and UNB Libraries), Service New Brunswick (SNB), CARIS, and the City of Fredericton went to several schools in Fredericton and Boiestown to talk to students about geomatics.
Click on the thumbnail to read more.
You've Never Seen Fredericton Like This Before!

GGE professor, Dr. Yun Zhang has applied his pan-sharpening technique for enhancing satellite imagery to this view of Fredericton taken by Space Imaging's Ikonos (from the Greek word for image) satellite in the fall of 2001 (Fredericton's fabled trees are sporting their autumn colours).
Dr. Zhang has applied his technique to images from other satellites and is seeking a patent for his invention.
The Five Daves - Together at Last!

Click on the thumbnail image to get a better look, 32 KB.
Multi-Media Lab and Demonstration Room Opens

Click on the thumbnail image to look at photos taken during the ceremony, 60 KB.
GGE Featured Prominently in President's Installation Report

"UNB's international reputation was forged by such scholars as ... Gottfried Konecny (1930- ) who established the Department of Surveying Engineering, an international leader in the field of geodesy and geomatics engineering, and who laid the foundation for New Brunswick's world-class geomatics technology sector.Click on the thumbnail image to read the full report."Space research has figured large in UNB Fredericton's life. As early as the 1960s, surveying engineers were involved in lunar mapping for the Apollo missions and later the analysis of data from radio observation of quasars and other extragalactic objects for precisely positioning points on the earth's surface. Today ... the Department of Geodesy and Geomatics Engineering continues to work closely with the Canadian Space Agency and others in the applications of GPS and other global navigation satellite systems."
Costa Rica Delegation Visits GGE

On 16 October 2002 the Department of Geodesy and Geomatics Engineering and the Centre for Property Studies hosted a delegation from the municipality of Aserri in Costa Rica. While the delegates were here, they visited CARIS, Service New Brunswick, the City of Fredericton, and UNB discussing the feasibility of a working partnership on a land project in Costa Rica. Sponsored by the Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA), and with the cooperation with Michel Brunet of Brunet, Lebel, Leger, this project would entail the regularization of the cadastre and property register.
The University of New Brunswick and the Universidad de Costa Rica have enjoyed a five-year educational collaboration. The most recent event was the preparation and delivery of a Professional Development course entitled: "Property . . . Concepts, Administration and Tools." for the Municipality of Aserri. Sue Nichols and Ivan Ford were the presenters. Among the approximately 35 participants were Edwin Solórzano, Director, School of Topographic Engineering, Universidad de Costa Rica; and Juan Araque Skinner, Director of the Catastro Nacional.
Following the visit, the University of New Brunswick and the Universidad de Costa Rica extended the University Student Exchange, which has been in place for five years. To complement this agreement, the universities also signed a Faculty/Staff and Professional Development agreement for another five years.
Click on the thumbnail image to get a better look at some of the participants, 34 KB.
Adam Chrzanowski Awarded Degree of Doctor Honoris Causa

The University of Warmia and Masuria is only three years old, and was created by integrating three separate universities: Agricultural-Technical, Education, and Theology. It is the first university in Poland to combine engineering, arts, and theology faculties. It is a model university in Poland at a time when Poland is entering the European Union.
Click on the thumbnail image for more of the story and to look at photos taken during the ceremony, 149 KB.
For more information, read UNB's press release on the story. The conferment was also featured in the Gazeta Uniwersytecka (a 1.8 MB PDF document in Polish).
UNB Signs Licensing Agreement with PCI Geomatics

For more information, read the news release.
Hydrographer in Residence Defends Thesis

Click on the thumbnail image to get a better look, 35 KB. (Photo: Terry Arsenault, 2002·September·11)
Two GGE Students' Projects Selected for PCI Geomatics Image Gallery

The students are:
Stephen Burbridge, M.Eng., supervisor: Dr. Y. ZhangMr. Burbridge's application was urban change detection using a neural-network-based approach. Mr. Pegler developed a target detection technique for marine search and rescue using Ikonos satellite imagery. You can read more about the projects on the PCI Geomatics Web site.
Kevin Pegler, Ph.D. candidate, supervisors: Drs. D. Coleman, R. Pelot (Dalhousie University), and Y. Zhang
Record Jump in Number of New GGE Students

Welcome Back Students!

UNB GGE Image Featured on Front Cover of GIM International

The image is a fused 1-metre Ikonos natural colour image of San Diego, California. The fusion method used is a colour-enhancing version of the fusion technique developed by Dr. Zhang. The image was created by fusing 4-metre multispectral and 1-metre panchromatic images provided by Space Imaging of Thornton, Colorado.
Congratulations to Geomatics Atlantic Scholarship Winner Julie Baglole

There is usually tremendous competition for these scholarships from university and community college students in institutions across the region. We hope everyone will join with us in congratulating Julie on this important achievement.
The photo shows Julie being presented her cheque by GGE's chair, Dr. Peter Dare.
Click on the thumbnail image to get a better look, 39 KB. (Photo: Terry Arsenault, 2002·October·2)
State of the Art GPS Guidance Software Developed at UNBF

Two researchers at the University of New Brunswick in Fredericton have developed guidance software to simplify this enormous task. Donghyun Kim and Richard Langley of the department of geodesy and geomatics engineering, contracted by Seoho Electric Company Ltd. of Korea, have created a guidance system to steer giant port cranes using the Global Positioning System (GPS).
Read more here and in GPS World. Movie of the system during testing: QuickTime (low-res, 11 MB) AVI (high-res, 70 MB).
Centre for Property Studies Course in Costa Rica

Click on the thumbnail image to look at photos taken during the course, 82 KB.
A Day on the Heron

Click on the thumbnail image to look at photos taken during the outing, 361 KB.
Hat Changes

History can predict nothing except that great changes in human relationships will never come about in the form in which they have been anticipated.The Department has recently undergone a number of changes. John McLaughlin began his adventure as the University's seventeenth President and Vice-Chancellor on 1 July 2002. He is excited about the future of the university and the challenge of his personal mission "to advance the University of New Brunswick … and … collectively maintain UNB's status as a national university."
Johan Huizinga (1872-1945). The Columbia World of Quotations (1996).Columbia University Press.
Dave Coleman has completed his term as Chair and has taken a six-month sabbatical. Peter Dare was unanimously selected as the new chair for a (renewable) five-year appointment. Peter stepped into the office also on 1 July 2002 and is slowly establishing himself in his new position.
We wish both John and Peter all the best in their new pursuits.
Peter Dare Recipient of Canada Foundation for Innovation Funding

The infrastructure support is reserved for faculty who are taking up their first full-time academic position at a Canadian degree-granting institution.
"It's important for our new faculty to purchase equipment essential for their research work," adds Dr. Kealey. "The fund will help us in our mission to attract and retain academic staff of exceptional quality in areas that are a priority for research."
Peter Dare of the department of geodesy and geomatics engineering is one of four UNB professors who received awards in the recent competition. Dr. Dare will initiate a research program on the development of the Global Positioning System as a method to assist weather prediction. With the $99,710 he received from the fund and other resources, he will purchase a geodetic quality Global Positioning System receiver, meteorological equipment, a water vapour radiometer and associated equipment. These will enable him to meet the requirements and for UNB to become a member of SuomiNet, a network of some 100 GPS receivers worldwide that shares quality data.
Our congratulations to Dr. Dare for such a great start to his career at GGE.
Click on the thumbnail image to learn more about the Canada Foundation for Innovation.
McElhanney Creates New Undergraduate Scholarship for Cadastral Studies

Value: $2,500. Number: 1. Duration: 1 year. Conditions: Awarded to a Geodesy and Geomatics Engineering student who has completed or has enrolled in two of the four cadastral surveying option courses: GGE5521 Survey Law; GGE5532 Land Economy and Administration; GGE5313 Urban Planning, or CE5342 Site Planning. Selection will be based on academic achievement (minimum 3.2 scholarship GPA). Demonstrated leadership ability and innovative skills will also be taken into consideration in selecting the recipient for this award. Awarding Agency: The University, on the recommendation of the Faculty of Engineering. Donor: McElhanney Land Surveys Ltd.
Our appreciation goes to McElhanney not only for the financial support of our students but also for their ongoing willingness to employ our students both during their careers at UNB and upon graduation.
Click on the thumbnail image to learn more about McElhanney.
New Agreement Signed

The new agreement was signed this weekend (15-16 June 2002) by Norman Coté, PEng, the ANBLS President, and Dr. David Coleman, the Chair of GGE. Following the official signing of this new agreement, President Coté presented a cheque to Dr. Coleman as the first important act to take place under this agreement.
Click on the thumbnail image to get a better look at Mr. Coté and Dr. Coleman signing the agreement, 33 KB. (Photo: Dave Carney, 2002-June-15)
You can also read the Memorandum of Agreement (a 304 KB PDF document).
Future Directions in Geomatics

Click on the thumbnail image to look at photos taken during the meeting, 195 KB.
GGE 2013 Practicum II - 2002

- Residential (home away from home)
- Collocation with Hydro Camp
- Located in the coastal zone
- Integration of surveying techniques
- Planning by the students
- A real purpose to the Camp (i.e., not just an academic exercise)
- Fun!
The Camp made use of high precision GPS, total stations and levels. The goal of the Camp was to produce a topographic plan of the lower campus of the HMSC. This was achieved through a combination of Trimble Geomatics Office and AutoCad - a copy of the final plan can be seen here (a .6 MB PDF document). The final mounted plan was presented to the HMSC on 18 July 2002. This date was chosen as it coincided with meetings at the HMSC of the HMSC Board of Directors and the HMSC Advisory Board - by clicking here you can see a picture of the presentation of the final plan to the Chair of the Board of Directors, Professor Paul Hebert of the University of Guelph by the Chair of GGE, Professor Peter Dare, the Camp tutor. (Photo: Mary Colbourn-Green)
A picture poster illustrating many of the different elements of the Camp can be seen by clicking here (a 2.8 MB PDF document). By being collocated with the Hydro Camp (GGE5083), Practicum II students were exposed to this senior Camp and all students were able to spend some time on the Dept's new survey launch "The Heron."
GGE Well Represented at FIG/ACSM/ASPRS Congress

A contingent of 5 professors (Adam and Anna Chrzanowski, Peter Dare, John McLaughlin and Dave Coleman) and 7 graduate students (Sara Cockburn, Garfield Giff, Greg Mulholland, Sam Ng'ang'a, Boipuso Nkwae, Kevin Pegler and Michael Sutherland) attended the event. UNB faculty and students either delivered or co-authored 13 papers in sessions dealing with engineering surveys, hydrography, remote sensing, land administration and spatial data infrastructure.
The Department's display of educational programs and research projects was one of only two University booths located inside the Exhibit Hall. Faculty and students alike pitched in to make sure the Department's booth included the latest information on our programs and research projects. If the number of visitors and the level of discussion around the booth was any indication, the Department continues to make a good impression on our colleagues around the world.
Click on the thumbnail image to look at photos taken during the event, 218 KB.
NSERC Post-Graduate Scholarship Winners

Our Department has been fortunate to have a number of NSERC scholarship award winners among the graduate students in the past. Further information on NSERC postgraduate and undergraduate scholarships may be found at http://www.nserc.ca/schol_e.htm.
First Annual Student Technical Conference Held

For the complete program, click here (a 62 KB PDF document).
Click on the thumbnail image to look at photos taken during the conference, 63 KB.
Canadian Centre for Geodetic Engineering Opens

For more information, read the news release.
Click on the thumbnail image to look at photos taken during the opening, 101 KB.
President-Designate Visits Department

Click on the thumbnail image to look at photos taken during the visit, 66 KB.
GGE's John McLaughlin Nominated by UNB Senates, Board as Next President

Boipuso Nkwae Winner of Guma Fellowship

Our congratulations to Boipuso!
Sutherland Goes National

GGE's Sam Ng'ang'a Wins $5000 Alberta Land Surveyors' Association Scholarship

Sam Ng'ang'a, a Ph.D. candidate in geodesy and geomatics engineering, is the first recipient of the Alberta Land Surveyors' Association Graduate Studies Scholarship.
Mr. Ng'ang'a is examining whether a system of marine rights and interests will lead to better decision making, reduced uncertainty in decision making and greater efficiency in the management of natural resources.
"This truly represents a new frontier in boundary surveying," said Ken Allred, president of the Albert Land Surveyors' Association. "Mr. Ng'ang'a's work could ensure the peaceful and orderly development of offshore property rights for many, including the oil and gas industry."
Click on the thumbnail image to read the full news release.