University of New BrunswickGeodesy and Geomatics Engineering

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Multi-Media Lab and Demonstration Room Opens

On 28 November, Peter Dare flexed the scissors and declared the room open. (Photo: David Wells, 2002·November·28)

Helping in this task were Geoff Sharpe from CARIS on the left, Peter Dare in the middle, and Lindsay Gee, of Interactive Visualization Systems, on the right. (Photo: David Wells, 2002·November·28)

As part of the opening ceremony, Dave Wells unveiled a wall hanging that his wife, Solveig, had constructed. Three copies of the identical scene now hang in three universities: UNB, in the Center for Coastal and Ocean Mapping at the University of New Hampshire, and in the Department of Marine Sciences at the University of Southern Mississippi. (Photo: Peter Dare, 2002·November·28)