For High School Students and Teachers

- Geocaching for Wellness Day - George Street Middle School
- Geocaching with George Street Middle School, House of St. Croix
- Geocaching with McAdam High School
- Geocaching with the Entire Grade 8 Class from George Street Middle School, Fredericton
- Geocaching with Mrs. Galuga's Grade 10 Math Class from Fredericton High School
- Geocaching with Mrs. Sewell's Grade 10 Math Class from Fredericton High School
- Geocaching with Doaktown Consolidated High School
- See Us from Space in 3D!
- Celebrating Geography Awareness Week and Geomatics Day @ UNB, November 2006
- UNB Engineering Shadow Day
- NOAA's National Ocean Service: Welcome to Geodesy
- Natural Resources Canada, Geodetic Survey Division: What is Geodesy?
- Dr. Marcelo Santos visits Digby, Nova Scotia, Regional High School
- Kouchibouguac Site of 2003's Practicum II
- Leo Hayes Grade 12 Students Geocache at UNB
- Maps and Compasses
- Navigation Education Materials
- Celebrating Geography Awareness Week and Geomatics Day, November 2002
- You've Never Seen Fredericton Like This Before!
- GGE 2013 Practicum II - 2002
- Old Macs Never Die
- Girls Day Out
- GGE 2013 Practicum II - 2001
- International GIS Day at Fredericton High School
- Oromocto High School Joins List of Schools Surveyed
- Sea and Space
- Fredericton High School Submits to Survey
- Angus Hamilton Lecture Series Brings Astronaut Julie Payette to Fredericton
- Why Is a Survey Camp Called a Camp?
- How to Lay Out a Soccer Field
- GGE Survey Camp II Students Map Montgomery Street Elementary School
- Land Surveying as a Career
- Jobs, Jobs, Jobs - UNB's Surveying Engineering Graduates Map 35 Years of Success
- Careers for the 21st Century
- Who Hires Our Graduates?
- UNB Co-Sponsors Geomatics Atlantic Conference
- Woodstock High School visits Department
- Career Opportunities
- Applying to UNB via the Web
- FHS Student Develops Web-Based UNB Class Locator
- GGE and High Schools Enter into Partnerships
- An Introduction to Mapping
- A Web-Based Mapping Course
- What's the Geoid?