The Talk
What They're Saying About Us
- "Dr. Wachowicz is an exceptional addition to our world-class department of geodesy and geomatics engineering and to the network of innovators and change-makers at UNB."
- Eddy Campbell, UNB President and Vice-Chancellor
Helping to Make Sense of the World: UNB Welcomes Cisco Systems Chair for Big Data
UNB Alumni News, Vol. 23, No. 1, Fall 2014, p. 7
- "The integration of the 'old' and the 'new' in surveying, timely response to the demands of the information society and an impressive, multidisciplinary research programme that made some international dent ... established the Department as a leading world-class centre for Geospatial Information Science and Technology."
- George J.M. Zarzycki, Former Director, Topographical Survey of Canada, and former Director, Surveys Mapping and Remote Sensing Branch, Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources
Geomatica, Vol. 65, No. 1, 2011
- "[O]ur newest Canada Research Chair, in Advanced Geomatics Image Processing, Yun Zhang, has already developed a technique that is changing the way NASA, Google Earth and Canada's Department of National Defence collect and use geospatial data. His work will reinforce Canada's leading position in geomatics research, education and application."
- John D. McLaughlin, University of New Brunswick's 17th President & Vice-Chancellor
Believing in Ourselves: The President's Sixth-Year Report, 23 October 2008
- "Geomatics engineering program brings in the most research money, is one of the top three programs internationally, and UNB is one of only two schools in Canada which offers it."
- Anonymous student
The Globe and Mail's globecampus website www.globecampus.ca
- "... UNB researchers and their partners are combining forces and creating new technologies and products. Whether working with PCS Potash in Sussex, New Brunswick or SEOHO Electric Co., Ltd. in Korea, there are no boundaries when it comes to groundbreaking work."
- University of New Brunswick
Office of Research Services brochure
- "UNB's reputation as a world leader in satellite positioning technology is well deserved. UNB has helped to bring the benefits of this technology to aviation by working with us to resolve key technical issues."
- Ross Bowie, Director, ANS Service Design, NAV CANADA
Message to UNB Student Recruitment and Integrated Marketing
- "In the past few years, the Department of Geodesy and Geomatics Engineering turned to Global Information Systems and Global Positioning Systems to further the survey research for which they are renowned."
- Kate Merlin
"Never Too Old: Venerable Institutions Discover the More They Learn, the More They Have to Teach," Atlantic Business Magazine, Vol. 14, No. 6, November/December 2005
- "I just interviewed a professor of geodesy. I have never done that before. In fact, I had never heard of geodesy."
- Philip Till
Interviewing Prof. Langley on CKNW Talk Radio, Vancouver, 30 December 2005
- "They've helped NASA land on the moon and developed software capable of steering huge cranes around container ports in Korea within an accuracy of two centimetres. They are just two accomplishments from the University of New Brunswick's department of geodesy and geomatics, conceived by four engineers in 1959 on a train bound for Ottawa."
- Alison Lynch
"Engineering pioneer hailed," The Daily Gleaner, 20 May 2005
- "Used by students and faculty in the university's flagship Geodesy and Geomatics [Engineering] department, the Heron has been chartering students all over the region in a bid to teach them first-hand how satellite technology can be used to map the ocean floor."
- Nina Chiarelli
"Research Vessel Prepared to Set Sail," N.B. Telegraph Journal, 3 October 2003
- "The Department of Geodesy and Geomatics Engineering at the University of New Brunswick is one of Canada's leading centres for research in positioning and precision navigation using global navigation satellite systems (GNSS). ... UNB's targeted GNSS research is helping to provide accurate, reliable, and cost-effective positioning and navigation for Canadians and others around the world."
- Canadian Space Agency
Global Space Sector Market Trends and Drivers, Year 2002 Edition
- "PCI Geomatics is now offering the most advanced Pan Sharpening algorithms within its latest release of Geomatica ... [The algorithms were d]eveloped by the University of New Brunswick and Professor Yun Zhang. ... 'We are very impressed by the new pan-sharpening technology, which is clearly leading edge and very exciting ...'"
- David Stanley, Vice-President of Research and Development for PCI Geomatics
PCI news release, 26 February 2003
- "The University of New Brunswick is world-renowned for its first-rate research facilities, its knowledge-based business focus and its multi-faceted degree programs [including] Geomatics."
- Enterprise Fredericton
- "... the world famous Engineering capacity at UNB."
- Hon. Allan Rock, Federal Minister of Industry
5 March 2002
- "Our Department of Geodesy and Geomatics Engineering is one of the top-ranked programs in the world ..."
- Dr. Elizabeth Parr-Johnston, President and Vice-Chancellor, UNB
Quoted in The Daily Gleaner, 14 November 2001
- "Geodesy and Geomatics Engineering is now a red-hot university degree in a red-hot market. [UNB is] at the cutting edge of this emerging discipline."
- Doug Stead, President of Tri-M Systems Inc. and Tri-M Engineering, Coquitlam, B.C.
PC/104 Embedded Solutions, The Journal of Modular Embedded Computing, Vol. 5, No. 1, Spring 2001
- "After 40 years' existence, [the Department] continues to produce an excellent graduate equipped to enter the geomatics industry and professions. ... It was apparent from the interviews that each faculty member brought his or her unique enthusiasm and passion to their fields of responsibility. ... The academic credentials of the faculty members are impressive."
- Canada Council of Land Surveyors
GGE Accreditation Report, March 2000