Information for Current Students
- Welcome from GGE Graduate Student Society (GSS)
- Welcome from GGE Administrative Staff
- Setting up your UNB login, Pin # and Email Account
- Subscribe to GGGRADS email list
- Important Academic Dates and Deadlines
- Checklists for Program Requirements
- MEng Program: Course Regulations (Effective: September 2018)
- GGE PhD Comprehensive Exams (Effective: September 2015)
- Course Timetable
- Courses Offered for 2018-2019 Academic Year
- Roles and Compositions of Supervisory Committees And Examining Boards
- GGE 6910 - Graduate Seminar Regulations and Guidelines (effective Sept. 2015)
- GGE6910: Graduate Seminar - Fall 2018 …
- Template: { Click here for formatting and structure of the written submission; Number of Words: 2,500 - 3,000 (excluding abstract and references) }
- Friday, October 5: Students must email Sylvia (and their supervisor) with intent to present at the fall seminar, and also include a tentative presentation title.
- Monday, October 15: All papers (digital version) must be submitted to Sylvia and the DoGS for distribution to the readers.
- Monday, October 29: Students will receive comments back from the readers.
- Wednesday, November 7: Final papers (digital version) must be submitted to the DoGS; hard copy to Sylvia.
- Thursday, November 15: Graduate seminar presentations.
- All dates are firm. We ask that you please comply with the above guidelines.
- GGE6910: Graduate Seminar - Spring 2019 …
- Template: { Click here for formatting and structure of the written submission; Number of Words: 2,500 - 3,000 (excluding abstract and references) }
- Friday, February 1: Students must email Sylvia (and their supervisor) with intent to present at the spring seminar, and also include a tentative presentation title.
- Monday, February 11: All papers (digital version) must be submitted to Sylvia and the DoGS for distribution to the readers.
- Monday, February 25: Students will receive comments back from the readers.
- Wednesday, March 6: Final papers (digital version) must be submitted to the DoGS; hard copy to Sylvia.
- Thursday, March 14: Graduate seminar presentations.
- All dates are firm. We ask that you please comply with the above guidelines.
- Annual Progress Report - Mandatory for ALL Research-Based Students
- Guidelines for Preparation of Articles Format Theses/Dissertation
- Forms - School of Graduate Studies
- Travel Awards - School of Graduate Studies
- Checklist for Students Completing their Degree
- Create Your Thesis Title Page
- GGE Lecture Note # 54 - Department Style Manual
- PhD Regulations
- Need Technical Help?
- Greg Smith, Equipment Technologist - Office: E-51A; Phone: 447-3123 or e-mail Greg
- David Fraser, GIS Lab Technologist - Office: E-51B; Phone: 453-4877 or e-mail David
- Terry Arsenault, IT Support - Office: E-51C; Phone: 453-4878 or e-mail Terry
- Graduate Student Vacation Policy
- Looking for a job?
- Certificate of International Internship