Contour labels annotate the height of contours and are cartographic
features. They are text strings placed along contours and oriented so that
they can be read without turning the map.
This method of adding contour labels is not only tedious but also leaves a gap on the contour, thereby affecting the completeness of the database. We will show in this chapter a better way of adding contour labels that does not leave permanent gaps on the contour. To make this possible, we need the help of specially designed data structures and editing operations.
Label a contour.
The previous exercise showed that you only need to point to the spot for the contour label, and the rest of the editing is performed automatically by the GIS. The system knows the elevation for the contour because it is stored as part of the contour data structure. The shape of the line around the chosen spot helps the system to determine the proper orientation for the label. This GIS does not leave a permanent gap around the label. To confirm this, use the Information icon on the CARIS Panel to point at the line. You will see that it is still a continuous line. The gap was created by a temporary mask placed over that part of the contour. Use the Options > Display > Visibility Parameters ... menu item to turn on the Draw Masked Features switch.