This GIS recognizes two basic kinds of lines: point-to-point, and curve-fitted. Basically, a point-to-point line is angular suitable for building outlines, while a curve-fitted line is smooth and suitable for contours.

The shape of a line can be changed by one of the following editing operations:

ï Clip the end of a line.

ï Move individual points on a line. This can be performed only on point-to-point lines.

ï Extend a line.

ï Change an interior segment of a line.






Clip the end of a line.

1. Exclude contours (theme 90) from the display.

2. Select the Edit > Line > Change > Clip menu item.

3. Point at the spot where you want the clip to occur (289299, 740302).

(289278, 740238), 1:1000

4. The shorter end of the line will be highlighted. Click on the left mouse button to clip it, or enter X on the keyboard to clip the other end instead.

5. Crosses will be drawn over the deleted end. When the crosshair appears, click on the right mouse button to quit this command.

6. Refresh the screen to show the updated map.