Sitting clockwise around the table: Bruno Scherzinger, Applanix Corporation; John Hanley, LogicaCMG; Sébastien Carcanague, Airbus Group; Landon Urquhart, Hemisphere GNSS; Pat Doherty, Boston College; Kendall Ferguson, Hemisphere GNSS; Simon Banville, Canadian Geodetic Survey; John Aggrey, York University; Sunil Bisnath, York University; Richard Langley, UNB. Standing, clockwise around the table: Anthea Coster, MIT Haystack Observatory; Esayas Shume, NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL); André Hauschild, Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt; Rodrigo Leandro, Hemisphere GNSS; Attila Komjathy, NASA JPL and UNB. |