University of New BrunswickGeodesy and Geomatics Engineering

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Brazil Update 2006

In June, UNB and IBGE helped Dr. Andrea Carneiro and others from Universidade Federal de Pernambuco (a federal university in Pernambuco State) host a workshop entitled Workshop I: Quilombola Territories. This workshop explored the technical, legal and social components involved with legalizing Quilombola Territories. Quilombolas are communities descended from run-away slaves; they have a unique cultural heritage, which includes communal use of their land. The project had already been working with one Quilombola in particular, Castainho, to demarcate and legalize its land. Check out the workshop's website at

In July, UNB researchers spent time with the Kisedje in Xingu Park, where the tribe's territories have been encroached upon by farmers and a resurvey of certain park boundaries had been mandated.

Our host Kisedje village.

Kisedje women making their supper.

Dr. Nichols and Ms. Paixao with one of the tribe's leaders.

Ms. Paixao working with the local community.