Anna B. O. Jensen Visits Department
Photo: Terry Arsenault, 2003-October-9

Seminar Abstract
Weather Models and Global Positioning Systems Coming Together
Our guest speaker will focus on novel ways to treat one of the most significant error sources affecting the Global Positioning System measurements - the troposphere - by means of using meteorological information derived from weather prediction models. She will revise theoretical aspects covering the subject and will show how weather models can be of benefit to the Global Positioning System.
Anna B.O. Jensen holds an M.Sc. in surveying from the University of Aalborg in Denmark, and a Ph.D. in geodesy from the University of Copenhagen, with co-supervision from the University of Calgary. She has previously been employed in the Department of Geodesy at the National Survey and Cadastre, Denmark, and now holds a position as Associate Professor in the Department of Informatics and Mathematical Modelling at the Technical University of Denmark. She has worked with GPS for more than 10 years, and has been involved in R&D activities related to geodetic and geodynamic applications of GPS, offshore subsidence monitoring, kinematic positioning in post mission and real time, reference systems and coordinate transformations. Current research is focused on the atmospheric effects on satellite signals.