Duties of CGU-GS Officers

(May 21 2002)


 Duties of the CGU-GS PRESIDENT

1.      The CGU-GS President:

a.       Shall be responsible for the promotion and fulfillment of the aims and objectives of the GS as described in Article 2 of the CGU-GS bylaws and in particular in 2.1 and 2.2.

b.       Shall promote collaborations and involvement of Canadian geodesists in national and international projects.

c.       Shall be in close contact with the national representative to IAG to ensure promotion of Canadian interests internationally.

d.      Shall foster close cooperation among geodesists occupied in different sectors such as academia, Federal and Provincial Governemnts and private industry, in order to achieve effective flow of information on geodetic developments for informed decision making.

e.      Shall examine the possibilities of organizing workshops, meetings, conferences and other venues in addition to the CGU annual conference, to stimulate discussions and exchange of ideas on current geodetic issues. 

2.      At Annual meeting:

a. Schedule and Chair CGU-GS Executive meetings immediately prior to the annual meeting.

b. Attend CGU Executive meeting.

c. Open the CGU-GS meeting and chair the business portion which will include:

1. Welcome.

2. Introduce program chair and executive.

3. Each individual to stand and give name, affiliation and location.

4. Secretary/Treasurer Report.

5. Committee Reports.

6. Publications Report.

7. Future meetings.

d. At CGU banquet.

1. Introduce Student Award.

*Announce winner of Student Paper Contest.

2. At end of Annual meeting:

a. Remind membership of next meeting and request papers for it.

b. Hold short meeting of current executive.

c. During election years obtain name, address and phone number of each officer, committee member, etc. Send a typed list to each individual within two weeks.


3. Within four months following the annual meeting:

a. Write letters of thanks to authors, to any outgoing officers, to program chair, and to invited speaker(s).

b. Provide CGU-GS Executive with an updated calendar of executive tasks leading up to the date of the next Annual Meeting.


4. Within eight months following the annual meeting:

a.      Periodically check with executive to coordinate plans for next annual meeting.

b.      Coordinate with relevant executive members regarding completion of regular duties and new actions.

5. Attend winter meeting of CGU Executive and report to CGU-GS Executive members.


6. As ex officio member, attend CGU-GS Committee Executive meetings.





The Vice President is normally the Program Chair for the upcoming annual CGU-GS meeting except in cases where the CGU-GS executive appoints a program chair external to the executive. In all cases the Vice President is responsible for the final development of the full program.

1. Attend all CGU-GS and, where possible, all CGU Executive meetings.

2. Eight months prior to the annual meeting, prepare a "Call for Papers" outlining the topics for the next annual CGU-GS meeting. The deadline for the submission of abstracts to the Program Chair should be set at a minimum of six months before the upcoming meeting.

 3. Thereafter, receive abstracts from authors and, if required, establish a procedure in consultation with the CGU-GS President for selecting papers to be presented at the annual meeting.

 4. At least four months prior to the annual meeting:

a. Notify each author of oral and poster papers of acceptance/rejection, and of any special publication requirements..

b. Appoint Chairs for Oral and Poster Paper Sessions.

c. Provide each successful author with details regarding their oral or poster presentation (e.g., presentation/discussion time, poster dimensions etc.).

d. prepare a list of titles, authors and schedule, and mail to the CGU Program Chair.


5. Consult with the CGU Program Chair to finalize integration of CGU-GS and CGU Programs.

6. At least two months prior to the CGU-GS annual meeting, prepare a typed version of the final CGU-GS program and forward it to the CGU-GS Secretary and Treasurer for distribution to CGU-GS members. This program should include time for a CGU-GS annual business meeting.

7. Keep authors informed about the status of the upcoming meeting.

8. Periodically coordinate with delegated CGU-GS Member-at-Large regarding the local arrangements requirements for the upcoming meeting (e.g. Lecture and poster Rooms, poster boards, banquet, etc).

10. At the CGU-GS annual meeting:

a. Coordinate the CGU-GS program

b. Introduce the Chairs for the Oral and Poster Paper Sessions.

c. Remind authors of the deadlines for any special publications.

11. Attend the CGU-GS Executive meeting immediately prior to and following the annual meeting.


Duties of the two CGU-GS Members-at-Large


1. Stand ready to assist CGU-GS Executive with special items of business.

2. Attend the CGU-GS Executive meeting immediately prior to and following the annual meeting.


 Specific - Member A

 1. Act as CGU-GS editor for a special geodesy section of the CGU newsletter ELEMENTS by:

(A) editing and inputting an article summarizing the activities and results from the annual CGU-GS scientific meeting.

(B) soliciting and editing information items from the CGU-GS committees.

(C) inputting dates and information about selected meetings/workshops/symposiums of interest to Canadian geodesists.


Specific Member B


1. Ensure that the announcement for the CGU-GS Student Paper Award is included in the CGU-GS Call for papers and the CGU general announcement.

2. The announcement should note that the student submissions (5 p. in length) are to be received by Member-at-Large B, no later than two months prior to the annual meeting.

 3. Select a minimum of 2 CGU-GS members to review all CGU-GS student paper submissions for the following qualities: originality, contribution to geodesy, technical or analytical competence, and presentation (both written and oral).

 4. Prior to the banquet at the conclusion of the annual meeting, inform the CGU-GS President of the winner of the best student paper award.


Duties of the CGU-GS SECRETARY



1. Based on CGU Membership list, maintain an up-to-date CGU-GS membership list and mailing list.

2. Eight months prior to the annual meeting, mail call for papers as provided by the CGU-GS Program Chair.

3. Two months prior to the annual meeting, mail the final CGU-GS program to all members and interested respondents.

4. No later than two months after the annual meeting, prepare and mail a list of attendees to all CGU-GS members.

5. Attend the CGU-GS Executive meeting immediately prior to and following the annual meeting.



Duties of the CGU-GS TREASURER


1. Record and balance receipts and expenditures.

2. Prepare and present an annual financial statement.

3. Maintain appropriate bank accounts and official CGU-GS files.